★ Albert Gore, ★ Leonardo DiCaprio, ★ Greta Thunberg
A series of Environmentalists who have dedicated themselves to one of the kinds of Global Issues - Climate Change.
Climate Change
Status: 🔴
Status based on •State of the Earth•
▪ Blue - stable
▪ Yellow - abnormal
▪ Red - dangerous
•State - assesses the standards of the state of objects, phenomena, interactions - State of space, space objects, phenomena, planets. State is the science of setting standards, assessing life expectancy, safety•
Image: Internet Resources
| Status determines how dangerous the problem can be. Status: Red (Climate Change) - territories that are expected to flood, the number of people who are in dangerous zones, the number of creatures that have died and are dying under the influence of climate change - fires, floods, droughts and much more. Economic losses - at home, infrastructure and so on (these data determine the status) |
Climate Change is a type of human influence on the planet. Over the past centuries, human influence on the Earth’s climate encompasses the entire planet en masse, a sharp increase in CO2 causes population growth and industrial revolution.
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide for Millennia
World Population
Global Energy Consumption
We will observe a rise in temperature - melting glaciers, hot seasons, frequent fires, extreme weather conditions and much more.
Climate Change Impacts
Image: World Meteorological Organization
The Development History shows how people settled in the nearby seas and oceans. Large cities began to be built here, a huge contribution to infrastructure, architecture, history, more than a thousand years of development for the construction of cities and priceless territories can go under water.
We estimate the loss territories by 2100.
"Two-meter rise in global sea levels could result in land loss of 1.79 million km2, including critical regions of food production, and potential displacement of up to 187 million people."
- Prof Bamber, University of Bristol
Scientists at the non-profit organization Climate Central estimate that 275 million people worldwide live in areas, that in 2100 will eventually be flooded at 3C of global warming.
| Cities
Images: The Guardian
All cities located on the coast are potentially dangerous areas from flooding.
As the temperature rises, the water level will increase. Reasons for level increase:
▪ Thermal expansion of water
▪ World-wide melting of glaciers - north and south poles
By 2200, the average can reach 7 ° C above pre-industrial level.
Economic loss:
If human-induced climate change continues unchecked, 10 percent of the U.S. economy could evaporate by 2100, a 1,656-page federal report the White House slipped out on Black Friday (2019, Nov. 23)
Economic loss depends on places that are potentially hazardous areas from the flood, an estimate of the cost of these cities will show a general calculation of the cost of losses. The loss of expensive cities will hit the global economy. The data of economic losses depend on the tracking of the places which can flood. Tracking places explores the geography of places that are located - in height above sea level and many geographical factors, water dynamics, physical phenomena.
Image: Vector Stock
Earth Altitude Map
Green — Low | Red — High
Image: Internet Resources
Cities with low economies are less protected. The safety of the inhabitants of these cities is completely in need of foreign assistance, the inhabitants of small islands and ancient peoples may perish.
○ Search
▪ Antarctica and Greenland melting — water level increase
▪ Chasing Countries - accurate data that will show the increase in water in certain areas - •Education System•
•Education System is a library of all the knowledge of the world, Education System will show the whole picture of the Future•
▪ List of Cities
| Three Degree World |
● Source: The Guardian
The results of rising global temperatures are rising sea levels, changes in the amount and nature of precipitation, and increasing deserts. Other warming effects include: an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events, including heatwaves, droughts, and showers; ocean acidification; extinction of biological species due to changes in temperature conditions. Important consequences for humanity include a threat to food security due to a negative impact on productivity (especially in Asia and Africa) and loss of human habitat due to rising sea levels.
As indicated on the UN website: there is alarming evidence that exceeding thresholds leading to irreversible changes in the ecosystems and climate system of our planet has already occurred.
● Source: Wikipedia
| Will Global Warming on Earth have a Greenhouse Effect like Venus?
Image: JAXA/PLANET-C Project Team
Venus is the twin of the Earth, which is located second after Mercury in the solar system | Its diameter is 12.103.6 km., This is 95% of the diameter of our planet (12.756.2 km.) |
Image: NASA
Once it was believed that there was life on Venus, before exploring Venus, it seemed to some as a tropical paradise, an ideal greenhouse for life. The temperature, as on Earth, is similar to the temperature of Miami, rich flora and fauna. Ancient inhabitants, possible dinosaurs or new species of flora and fauna.
Image: Internet Resources
In 1978, NASA's "Pioneer Venus" mission ("Pioneer 12") reached Venus and discovered that there were once oceans on the surface of the planet, but they found no signs of life. The atmosphere of Venus is so dense that the surface temperature reaches 450C degrees. It is believed that Venus was a planet in which there was liquid water for 2-3 billion years.
The reason for the dense atmosphere of Venus was caused by an increase in carbon dioxide, scientists believe because of the eruption of volcanoes, natural disasters.
Image: Internet Resources
According to climate experts, the probability of Global Warming due to burning fuel, which can cause an atmosphere density like Venus, is far from reality. But it can significantly bring statistics closer to this event, if there are additional natural disasters and any complication that can further complicate the situation.
"I think Venus is an important warning: Greenhouse atmospheres are not theoretical"
- Ellen Stofan, Space.com
Climate Change History
| Human |
Climate Change is the cause of anthropogenic (human) impact, like other types of Global Issues in the entire history of evolution. Human is a unique among the living world, he is interested in different areas, his possibilities are sometimes endless - space exploration, searches for higher questions.
A human was formed from a simple species to a complex one, thanks to those species that developed in the ocean, thanks to those who went on land, began to walk, thanks to those who were motivated by interest, they fought, survived and preserved offspring - the future of us. They are our parents and all our achievements are their work, our gratitude is their preservation, preservation of the only home - the Earth. Our achievements are the work of evolution for about 3.7 billion years.
Image: Evolution and Classification of Life (Book)
We also learn from other species. Our ideas, technology and much more were taken and imitated from different species. The living world is rich in inventiveness.
Image: Kellar Autumn, Lewis & Clark College
| Biomimicry: 7 Clever Technologies Inspired by Nature |
● Additional Source: https://www.livescience.com/amp/28873-cool-technologies-inspired-by-nature.html
| Ideas and Inventions inspired by Nature |
● Additional Source (in Russian): https://www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/16-izobretenij-idei-kotoryh-lyudi-pozaimstvovali-u-zhivotnyh-1626865/amp/
Futurists see the connection that achievements are the works of the Evolution of Species. Our task is to protect the planet, the Earth is a house of all kinds.
The reason for Human influence on the planet is obvious. If we move people from the Earth, we will see a prosperity planet. We would call it Human On - Human Off.
Image: Getty Images
Nature does not need people, it is people need nature.
Images: Internet Resources
If people worsen the state of the Earth, pulling others along, this is a crime.
Human as a species differs from other species in its activity, people invade pristine nature, in an ecosystem in which everything is interconnected. This is well illustrated in the movie Avatar.
Image: Avatar (Movie)
People wage wars, extract oil, gold and various types of resources in a radical way, assign territories, considering that nature is obliged to provide people. People lack education, development is in its infancy, this can be demonstrated by Statistics.
Other species are not capable of it | We would call it - Global Issues caused by the influence of Humans and Natural Disasters |
Nature will need a smart approach, the human mind is a tool that provides the Future, as the future of protecting the planet | from natural disasters, space threats | using knowledge and technology.
Image: Internet Resources
Human Population Starts to Rise - Reasons and Tracking
World Population by Region
World Energy Consumption by Region
Image: Our World in Data
Industrial Revolution
Image: Internet Resources
○ Search
▪ The balance of the population of species in the ecosystem
▪ Population and consumption, industrial revolution, time history of consumption (● Our World in Data, History)
| World Population Growth |
● Source: Our World in Data
| Industrial Revolution |
● Additional Source: History https://www.history.com/topics/industrial-revolution/industrial-revolution
| Overpopulation: The Causes, Effects and Potential Solutions |
● Additional Source: Renewable Resources Coalition
| Climate Change Research History
Dating back to the ancient Greeks, many people had proposed that humans could change temperatures and influence rainfall by chopping down trees, plowing fields or irrigating a desert.
Image: Internet Resources
People felt how they influence nature, extracting resources, cutting down forests, hunting for other species and much more. They understood that they were affecting the ecosystem.
Image: Internet Resources
Those perceived climate effects were merely local. Mostly people noticed climate change locally, relative to places of residence. Thanks to technological progress such as: photos, videos, computers, the Internet, satellites and much more, today we can observe and see accurate data and processes in real time. The digital age made it possible to reflect real processes on the planet using satellites, screens, processors, etc. Today we have the opportunity to predict the weather.
Image: Internet Resources
○ Search
▪ How did people predict weather and climate before?
In the 1820s, French mathematician and physicist Joseph Fourier proposed that energy reaching the planet as sunlight must be balanced by energy returning to space since heated surfaces emit radiation. But some of that energy, he reasoned, must be held within the atmosphere and not return to space, keeping Earth warm.
He proposed that Earth’s thin covering of air — its atmosphere — acts the way a glass greenhouse would. Energy enters through the glass walls, but is then trapped inside, much like a warm greenhouse.
Image: Getty Images
Experts have since pointed out that the greenhouse analogy was an oversimplification, since outgoing infrared radiation isn’t exactly trapped by Earth’s atmosphere but absorbed. The more greenhouse gases there are, the more energy is kept within Earth’s atmosphere.
Scientists who set the stage for Climate Change research (● History, BBC)
| Climate Change History |
● Source: History.com
| A Brief History of Climate Change |
● Additional Source: BBC.com
| Scientific Explanation Climate Change
Climate study is the study of the Earth’s atmosphere - the composition of the atmosphere, chemistry, physics, geography, features of ecosystems and much more.
Image: Vector Stock
Ecosystem biodiversity for a long time has adapted to the specific climatic conditions of the Earth, when we call Climate Change we call Change in conditions and atmospheric content that lead to ecosystem disruption, a warmer climate threatens the existence of other species.
Image: Greenpeace / Roger Grace
Pattern of plants and animals has a systemic character - the state of the planet, the content of inorganic substances, water, temperature, and so on.
Genetics is a code that forms an organism relative to its habitat over a long period of time; the organism stores data on climate, weather conditions, and habitat. Life has adapted and is adapting to the changes taking place around us, but these changes were not large-scale as they are happening now.
(This is wholly a global form of study.)
Left - Naturally occurring greenhouse gases — carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) — normally trap some of the sun’s heat, keeping the planet from freezing.
Right - Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, are increasing greenhouse gas levels, leading to an enhanced greenhouse effect. The result is global warming and unprecedented rates of climate change.
- Will Elder
| What is Climate Change? |
● Source: National Park Service
Where do Greenhouse Gases come from?
Up until about 150 years ago, human activity did not produce many greenhouse gases. That changed as forests were cleared to make way for cities and farms, and as important inventions and industrial innovations, like the widespread use of electricity and cars, transformed the way we live.
Global Primary Energy Consumption
Image: Internet Resources
These inventions and innovations demand energy. Burning fossil fuels - coal, oil, and natural gas - has become an important source of that energy. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Global Energy Portfolio
Today in the United States, electricity and transportation (cars, trucks and planes) are responsible for almost 60 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. The rest comes from agriculture, industry - such as factories that make products we use - and from energy we use in our homes and businesses.
Types of Gases
Image: Internet Resources
▪ Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal), solid waste, trees and wood products, and as a result of other chemical reactions such as making cement. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and stored when it is absorbed by plants as part of the biological carbon cycle. It makes up 82 percent of U.S. greenhouse emissions, or about four fifths.
▪ Methane (CH4): Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also come from livestock and other agricultural practices and by the decay of organic waste in landfills. It makes up 10 percent of U.S. greenhouse emissions.
▪ Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste. It makes up 5 percent of U.S. greenhouse emissions.
▪ Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6): These greenhouse gases combined make up only 3 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, but they are strong contributors to the greenhouse gas effect because they stay in the atmosphere for a very long time. These gases are used to keep things cool in our refrigerators and freezers as well as keep buildings and cars comfortable in hot weather. However, when the gases escape into the atmosphere, they trap the heat that comes from the sun and prevent it from escaping the atmosphere.
Photo * Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990-2017 (EPA, 2019)
| Climate Basics for Kids |
● Source: https://www.c2es.org/content/climate-basics-for-kids/
| Climate Change Impacts
Image: Shutterstock / Montree Hanlue, Mellimage
1 Flooding of Territories of Islands and Peninsulas
Image: Shutterstock / Richard Cavalleri
Some cities may go under water, which will cause people to relocate, leading to a crisis and possible conflicts. We are losing Earth’s resources due to Climate Change, floods will radically take parts of the Earth into the water, and we’ll lose lands.
With the development of the industry, energy consumption has increased and this has led to a Climate Change.
Fossil Fuels Types
Image: YouTube / Learning Junction
| What is the function of each type of fuel?
The main types of fuel:
▪ Coal
Provides electricity, industry and more.
▪ Oil
Almost all transport depends on oil - Cars, Airplanes, Trains, Ships, and more.
▪ Natural Gas
Provides energy in the form of electricity, fire and more.
Images: Internet Resources
○ Search
▪ An alternative transition to the Future Energy.
▪ Scientific research and methods for determining the types of fuel.
2 Drought
Image: Getty Images / Kristianbell, Room
Climate Change is expanding deserts, increasing drought, depleting water in arid areas.
Countries that suffer from water scarcity
Image: Internet Resources
Dry seasons:
▪ Yields are reduced for several reasons - climate change changes the conditions in which both insects and other animal species live - pollinators, seed distributors. As a result, they die.
▪ Lead to frequent fires.
▪ Water is depleted in lakes, rivers, ponds in arid regions, reduction of mountain glaciers
| Dryland solutions are diverse
• We can apply the technology of pumping water underground in arid areas, for example, in Africa.
African Groundwater Productivity Map
• Develop technologies for generating water from wind, solar energy.
Cooling Condensation
Image: Wikipedia
| Atmospheric Water Generation |
● Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_water_generator
○ Search
▪ More information
3 Frequent Hurricanes
Image: Internet Resources
When Global Warming causes global ocean temperatures to rise, hurricanes and storms become more powerful, causing hurricanes like floods.
World Cases:
Florida - Hurricane Jeanne (2004 September)
Atlantic Ocean - Hurricane Frances (2004 September)
Florida - Hurricane Ivan (2004 September)
Florida - Hurricane Dennis (2005 July)
Tornados - 1771 (2004)
Typhoons - 10 (2004)
First-ever Hurricane in the South Atlantic (2004 March)
Hurricane Emily (2005 July)
| This is only part |
4 Air Pollution
Image: Internet Resources
The air becomes polluted.
Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air. Car emissions, chemicals from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores may be suspended as particles. Ozone, a gas, is a major part of air pollution in cities.
Global View of Health-Sapping Air Pollution
Global satellite-derived map of PM2.5 averaged over 2001-2006. Credit: Dalhousie University, Aaron van Donkelaar
It can cause complications in a person’s lifestyle, which affects health both psychologically and physically.
Some air pollutants are poisonous. Inhaling them can increase the chance you'll have health problems. People with heart or lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from air pollution. Air pollution isn't just outside - the air inside buildings can also be polluted and affect your health.
Air Pollution
Health Effects
Images: Internet Resources
| Air Pollution |
● Source: https://medlineplus.gov/airpollution.html
★ Albert Gore
Albert Gore is an environmentalist and politician, who has done a lot of work to disseminate scientific data on Climate Change. Al Gore has been warning and educating us about the dangers of Climate Change.
He has done a lot of research on Climate change, and has run for president to harness environmental influence. As a result, voters chose George W. Bush. Al Gore asked the Bush administration to reduce emissions to an optimal level.
Gore has conducted many tours, conducting vocabulary in the U.S. and around the world.
As Vice President, Gore was involved in a number of initiatives related to theenvironment. He launched the GLOBE program on Earth Day 1994, an education and science activity that, according to Forbes, "made extensive use of the Internet to increase student awareness of their environment"
| Environmental Activism of Al Gore |
● Source: Wikipedia
Al Gore with family
His youth determined his future, he was born into the family of Democratic Senator Albert Gore Sr. The political role of his father influenced the young Al Gore, in the future he will also be involved in politics. He enters Harvard, here he meets intellectuals and scientists of various professions, gets acquainted with advanced knowledge. Al Gore said that he was lucky to get into the environment of scientists who are engaged in various fields. Here he gets acquainted with the phenomenon of Global Warming and sees a picture of an impending future.
| Briefly about the movie An Inconvenient Truth
The famous photograph "Earth Rise" taken by the Apollo 8 mission literally changed the world.
Image: NASA
Photography has opened people’s eyes and the realization that we all live in this tiny blue planet in the middle of space. Immediately after the appearance of this photo, a movement of environmental protection appeared in 1.5 years.
As the industry developed, we began to use coal and oil as the main type of fuel on which plants, equipment, and electricity are based - infrastructure.
The atmosphere of the Earth is very thin, it is comparable to the thickness of the varnish covering the globe, it is so thin that we can affect the atmosphere and change its composition.
Image: NASA
With the growth of the industry, there is an increase in fuel demand. But these emissions caused by oil, coal and natural gas affect the Earth’s atmosphere, emitting mainly carbon dioxide. The increasing concentration of carbon dioxide causes a constant increase in temperature.
Al Gore’s teacher and an oceanologist named Roger Revvel once proposed to measure the composition of carbon dioxide, and the result showed an anomaly and an imposing picture of the future.
Roger Revvel
Images: An Inconvenient Truth (Movie)
Possitive Goals
► Climate Change Action
• Go to Climatecrisis.net
• Buy energy efficient appliances - lightbulbs
• Use hybrid car
• Recycle
• When you can, walk or use bicycle
• Use light rail, mass transit
• Tell your parents not to ruin the world that you will live in
• Plant trees and read instructions of planting trees
• Call radio shows and write newspapers
• Require lower emissions from Automobile companies
• Switch to renewable sources of energy
• Change your thermostat (use clock thermostats) - to reduce energy for heating, cooling
▪ Nobel Prize for environmental protection
▪ Promotion of the development of computer technology and the Internet
▪ Nominated for the presidency, served as the 45th vice president of the United States
▪ Founder of Climate Reality Project
| Author movies
▪ An Inconvenient Truth
▪ Recount
▪ Melting Ice
▪ An Inconvenient Sequel
| Author books
▪ The Future: Six Drivers of Global
▪ Earth in the Balance: Ecology and Human Spirit
▪ An Inconvenient Truth
▪ An Inconvenient Sequel
▪ Our Choice: A plan to Solve the Climate Crisis
▪ The Assault on Reason
Albert Gore
FW Statistics:
| Short View |
Lectures 1K +
Movie 4
Books 6+
Al Gore
Followers 129K +
Climate reality
Followers 200K +
Project 1+
- The truth is that climate change is presenting the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.
★ Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor and environmentalist. He changed his personal lifestyle to reduce the growth of Climate Change. Speaking on TV, Earth Live, he talked about the importance of the consequences that we have on the planet. As the UN ambassador, Leonardo appealed to world leaders and the whole world to pay attention to the problem.
He delivered a speech on Climate Change at the Oscars. Leonardo Dicaprio's Instagram profile spans around 44 million people, which he has dedicated to disseminating information on Climate Change and Environmental Protection.
For the first time, he learned about the impact of man on nature in his youth, studying books and visiting museums. The history of the extermination of species due to human influence has changed the way of thinking of young Leonardo. Humans have exterminated whole species, thus changing the ecosystem forever.
He learned about the phenomenon of Global Warming at the age of more than twenty, he had the opportunity to meet with Vice President Al Gore.
Gore explained that vehicles — ships, planes, trains, cars, food production, and city building — that is, almost any human activity leads to the release of carbon dioxide, which causes Climate Change. Polar glaciers will melt, sea level will rise, and weather events such as floods, fires and droughts will become more dangerous. Global Warming is the main challenge of our time.
Concerned about the influence of man on nature, global warming, he began to take action. He was one of the first Hollywood stars to drive a Toyota Prius and buy a flat in a sustainable building in New York City. Since 2010, when he donated a million dollars to WWF to help save tigers from extinction and protect their habitat, he stood out for many awareness campaigns on a number of environmental issues.
He began to talk about these issues on television, in an interview. In Oprah Winfrey Talk Show he shares what he believes is the most pressing environmental issue of our time: global warming. And Leo's definitely not alone - many scientists have been warning the public for years that the Earth is getting hotter. Some say that if drastic measures aren't taken to stop it, global warming may cause catastrophic results for the billions of people living on our planet.
The so-called little things — such as everyone switching just five of their lightbulbs to the more efficient compact fluorescent bulbs — can add up very quickly. If this happened, "We could get half a billion tons of pollution per year out of the atmosphere" Oppenheimer says, "That's how big a difference that a small thing can make."
| Actions of Leonardo DiCaprio
▪ DiCaprio was appointed in 2014 by the UN Secretary General for Environmental Protection.
▪ He gave a speech in the Oscar nomination for best actor in the film "The Revenant". Oscars speech was dedicated to Climate Change.
- A world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history. Climate change is real. It is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.
▪ Leonardo DiCaprio has donated over $100 million to combat climate change. The actor founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation at the age of 24 in 1998 with the "mission of protecting the world’s last wild places."
| Briefly about the movie Before the Flood
To combat climate change, we must first study the sources of its occurrence. The economies of developed countries are mainly based on the extraction of fossil fuels.
The main types of fuel:
▪ Coal
Coal is a traditional fuel that provides electricity, industry, and more.
▪ Oil
Almost all transport depends on oil - Cars, Airplanes, Trains, Ships, and more.
▪ Natural Gas
Provides energy in the form of electricity, fire and more.
Production Methods:
• We blow mountain peaks for coal
• We produce shale gas
• Offshore drilling
• We develop oil sands
Production Impact:
• Deforestation of huge hectares of forest
• Water pollution in streams and rivers
• Impact on the ecosystem - destruction of animal habitats
Electricity Consumption by 1 American
Image: Internet Resources
○ Search
▪ Oil companies
▪ CO2 Tracking Applications
► Climate Change Action
• Think of Future Generations, Change Your Lifestyle
• Watch what you buy, eat, where you get energy from.
• Learn more about Climate Change
Additional Information
● Source: Befortheflood.com | Carbotax.org
Leonardo DiCaprio
FW Statistics:
| Short View |
Movie 1+
Interviews 10+
Leonardo DiCaprio
Followers 44M +
Donation $ 40M +
- We only get one planet. Humankind must become accountable on a massive scale for the wanton destruction of our collective home. Protecting our future on this planet depends on the conscious evolution of our species. (United Nations, 2014)
- No more talk, no more excuses, no more 10-year studies. This is the body that can do what is needed, all of you sitting in this very hall. The world is now watching. You will either be lauded by future generations or vilified by them.
★ Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is a young Swedish Environmental activist, who has gained international recognition for promoting the view that humanity is facing an existential crisis arising from Climate Change.
Image: Malin Hoelstad
She first heard about Climate Change in 2011, when she was eight years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it. When she began to read more about the effects of climate change, she realized the reality and bad predictions of the future. Then she took action and did everything possible to influence climate crisis.
The situation made her depressed. She stopped talking and eating, and lost ten kilograms (22 lb) in two months. Eventually, she was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive – compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism. In one of her first speeches demanding climate action, Thunberg described the selective mutism aspect of her condition as meaning she "only speaks when necessary".
Thunberg does not view her Asperger's as an illness, and has instead called it her "superpower".
| Greta Thunberg |
● Source: Wikipedia
School Strike for Climate
Greta initiated the schoolchildren’s movement against Climate Change. On Fridays, instead of lessons, students take to the streets, trying to attract the attention of politicians and the public to the problem of the Climate Crisis.
Greta’s influence on society has gone down in history, she has become popular all over the world, having received many awards and the title of person of the year 2019, according to Time. Her speech and inner voice gain strength within each person. Using his popularity for the benefit of society, to influence the consciousness of people, speak boldly and absolutely sincerely about Climate Crisis.
Climate Change began to be massively discussed after her speeches, people began to make more decisions to deal with global problems. She made a great contribution to spreading this problem.
Futurists determine their large-scale world view, using the knowledge they see the whole picture.
| Authors books
▪ Scenes from the Heart
▪ No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference
Greta Thunberg
FW Statistics:
| Short View |
Books 2
Interviews 10+
Greta thunberg
Followers 10M +
Followers 400K +
- I want to feel safe. How can I feel safe when I know we are in the greatest crisis in human history?
| Solutions
Solutions depend on our approach, we can come to real changes together, using technology and knowledge. We can replace elements of the current system or create a new system, new technologies. It’s time for us to start thinking new things. We will list the types of problems from Climate Change and find solutions to each of them, and we will apply Future Technologies.
Image: The Venus Project
▪ Flooding - Total Fossil Fuel Abandonment
- Zero Emission, Zero CO2
- Territory Return Plan
▪ Renewable energy sources:
• Solar panels
• Windmills
• Hydro power
• Geothermal energy
Lower material prices, mass production, cheaper environmental energy production
▪ Population number control
Establishing the optimal number of people, the amount of energy consumption by region, setting standards.
▪ Energy uses
Conduct a study on all uses and methods of energy production. Create a plan for energy use, a map of different types of energy use - describe countries, cities, houses, equipment, different types of use.
Technology use networks - which depends on what, interconnection. See the whole picture of processes.
▪ Lifestyle
In arid areas, we can use solar and wind energy to produce water. In the hottest places of the Earth, we can grow many different plants, whose climate is favorable for them. We can apply new technologies for every place on Earth, relative geography, climate and other factors.
○ Search
▪ Problems with the monetary system
We also want to mention the people who made a donation to combat climate change and did not stand aside, one of the key persons is •Michael Bloomberg•
• Michael Bloomberg donated more than $5 billion to gun control, Climate Change and other causes•
★ If you notice mistakes, be sure to suggest corrections, we strive to check the data
Concept Writer:
▪ Daniel Lost
For Connection:
Instagram: futureworldtv