Education System
Image: Internet Resources
Education System is an Online World Library where all the professional knowledge of the world is stored. We call ES figuratively the Library because it conveys the concept of storing knowledge.
Education System is a knowledge base that collects World Data | Knowledge |, digitizes all books, records and many other data. ES has an accurate system for collecting, processing and storing data, the system provides Knowledge of the world from the beginning of human development on Earth to real time. The Education System is promising in collecting and storing knowledge of both our world and any possible worlds on other planets.
Image: Internet Resources
ES can be our base for building worlds on other planets, the richer the base, the richer the world. The ES base also provides protection from other worlds, the richer the base, the more powerful the security.
Image: PNGFind
At ES, knowledge is tested by the world community of specialists and professional figures. This is a public project, all knowledge is collected and used for social development and is available Online. The Education System is updated and corrected in real time by experts from all over the world. Future Graphics can update education data, that is, you invent something under FG and the data is sent to the Education System. It is not necessary to keep everything in memory, you can transfer all knowledge to the ES database. Thanks to ES, you can do everything, ES will have all the Knowledge for any action.
ES is convenient when you need quick access to global professional knowledge in various professional activities. The speed of searching for the necessary knowledge in ES increases due to the selection of only accurate data and a complete verification of reliable data by the world community. ES provides access to knowledge over time, the emergence of areas of science in different periods of time.
★ Providing Education is a very important step in the development of the world. About 50% of people do not have access to vocational education due to the Capitalist System. Education costs money, which limits people to access to professional Knowledge, this slows down the Development of the world. An uneducated society has a negative impact on the Environment, having no idea how a negative impact affects the future state of the Earth and its inhabitants.
Let's imagine you are left alone on planet Earth, thanks to the Education System you can restore the entire infrastructure of the world using the Knowledge from the very beginning.
The study is as thoughtful and easy as possible, which will make it easy to study everything.
You will have all the knowledge of the world at your fingertips.
| System of Education
Image: Internet Resources
System of Education offers a map of development over time, collecting data from all historical data: books, writing, inventions and much more.
ES can be General and Special.
Education can be divided into General and Special.
• General - studies the general picture of the types of professions and their specializations by time (periods) of development.
• Special - studies specialties
General Education
Analysis of all professions, a map of the types of professions. The History of Development describes from the beginning of the time of development on Earth to the present, describing in stages the appearance of the division of labor according to the needs of people. General education shows all professional activities in time, which allows to navigate in specializations and choose the right one.
Special Education
Full immersion in the specialty. A complete analysis of certain specialties, providing the entire rich body of knowledge.
Education System stores all the world's knowledge and provides 5 types of study.
Knowledge is gained by 5 basic senses
• Sight
• Hearing
• Taste
• Smell
• Touch
| Knowledge
Images: DK Smithsonian
Knowledge is obtained as a result of any action, the result of the development of species relative to the environment. The development of creatures historically comes from the modifications of the Earth, with the modification of the planet relative to space, the influence of space objects, over time, creatures adapt to changes and are formed relative to the composition of the planet and state.
Development History seeks to reconstruct and trace the evolutionary history of species in detail, collecting data on the history of the Earth and its inhabitants, collecting data on geo-positions and climate times, and much more. Sources of knowledge as a need.
Knowledge as a tool for implementing actions. Knowledge has historically developed in different languages, we are creating an Education System in a single world language.
| Atmosphere
Atmosphere is the environment. Original meaning: The atmosphere of Earth is the layer of gases, commonly known as air, retained by Earth’s gravity, surrounding the planet Earth and forming its planetary atmosphere.
Atmosphere is the placement of items, specialization images that increase focus to the maximum level. Development of atmospheric details | Emphasis on all 5 senses |. Thus, the flow of atmospheric influence increases the flow of information for cognition. I imagine it as a kind of world, that the air, images and everything around is an atmosphere of a certain specialization.
The atmosphere is a fascinating microcosm. The picture shows the atmosphere of physics.
The Atmosphere can be applied to all specialties. According to the Statistics System, we research the states of the world and open the working hours of different specialties, creating an Atmosphere will be an advantage for achieving high productivity in certain areas - making high indicators.
Mind Maping
Image: Domain of Science
A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole.
Specialty maps are presented by type of section | Narrow specialty |. Mind Mapping is a mapping of specialties.
The Map allows to look at the Big Picture, study specializations in directions, navigate in the content.
| The Development History
Development History is based on reconstructive data of the history of the Earth, a complete analysis of data on the state, composition of the Earth for all time in relation to space.
DH will give us an understanding of how life can develop on any planets. All data on the state, composition of the planets and much more are collected. Studying the Sequential Development of Organisms | The development of organisms depends on the environment |.
DH will also allow us to influence development and build it, making models of the state of the environment.
- We are all made up of the environment
| Future World
The Education System is a tool for the construction of the Future World, ES collects all the advanced knowledge in a rich amount that is realized by the Future World.
All knowledge in different areas is collected and available for use, during construction we will use instructions and diagrams and build FW based on them. Knowledge is the value in creating the Future World.
| Knowledge is instructions for creating technologies; knowledge stores schemes, formulas, methods |
If we send a crew to an exoplanet, the creation of Future World will be predominantly in new planets, FW is a perfect system, offering advanced developments such as:
▪ Future Cities
▪ Statistics
▪ Education System
▪ My World
| Education System for Individuals
For individuals on the example of Tesla, all tools are provided for maintaining ES, filling out research and development. People can complete studies, work in a team, find like-minded people in ES.
Tesla's designs and records were lost, filling out information on paper is a waste of time and resources. Many developments that Tesla made would be needed now to create advanced technologies. There are many similar stories, in order not to repeat mistakes, we create a single Education System, where all the research is stored. ES allows to build the Future.
| Physical ES Copies
Physical Copies are provided under Environmental Standards. ES provides ecological methods of printing, one of the projects is RE-leaf paper, which offers the production of papers from fallen leaves.
Statistics System provides a versatile way to use Book Copies thanks to the Storing System. | Usage Depends on Personal Statistics, It All Depends on People's Need for a Book and Their Personal Performance Metrics |
| Benefits of the Educations System
Image: Vecteezy / Goff Brain
The impact of ES on the development of the world is enormous, society will have consciousness, people will have Knowledge about the environment, about all subsequent events when any act is performed. People will be prepared, trained.
We represent all the books in the world, in order to provide them to everyone, we are creating an electronic version of the online library of the world, which everyone can visit at the same time, the advantage in computer technologies is their ability to provide information simultaneously in all parts of the world, technically this is the manipulation of light, all data is stored on the servers of Future Computers. There is a huge disadvantage in physical books if they are not used correctly: they may not be provided to everyone and they can be lost.
More about Education System:
▪ When we have all the knowledge of the world, we can use it to implement all perfect technologies.
▪ Complete content filter, all knowledge checked | There is a separate platform for amateur |. The ES platform conducts full content scrutiny and only exposes accurate knowledge. Duplicate topics are removed or refined into a single topic. | The whole world has access to amendments |
| The Technical Side of ES
The Education System is stored in a database on My World's Future Computers servers.
With the help of My World, it will be updated automatically, all data is one and sent to ES.
In ES there will be tools how to fill in a topic and indicates an existing topic so that there are no duplicate topics.
ES is a system of the most advanced methods for the selection, storage and processing of data. The system is based on Computer technology | Which transform light rays into information |, the Internet will be accessible anywhere in the world, which can provide rich ES anywhere in the world, ES will enhance the development of the world.
ES can store all Knowledge that can serve as a weapon for incompetent regions of the world, we can provide Knowledge that can be resolved in other parts of the world. The Statistics System collects data on the Earth and provides data for the inhabitants of all regions of the world, evaluating them according to the level of development, it is possible to give access to exactly the knowledge to which they can have access.
Technical Management Education System
Editing and design of themes takes place Online. The publication of ready-made sections occurs Online.
Physical copies are absolutely easy to create, and recyclable environmental materials are provided.
A complete analysis of the knowledge of different professions, step-by-step thoughtful schemes for the transfer of topics.
- It is necessary to set a condition on how to leave a person alone on the planet and create an entire educational base for him, if suddenly one survives.
| Implementation
Education System is developed by Future World.
The Future World Foundation directs the development of Future World, one of which is the Education System.
Learn more about the Future World Foundation in a separate edition.
Concept Writer:
▪ Daniel Lost
For connection
Instagram: futureworldtv