Future World TV
16 min readSep 20, 2020

Future World Foundation 🌐

Image: NASA

The FW Foundation is a property dedicated to the creation of Future World.

The 🌐 symbol represents the symbol of the Earth as the foundation and starting point into space, just as we planned to depict the Earth as the foundation of the resource base, the unity of the Earthlings |.

The purpose of the Future World Foundation is the acquisition of properties and their privatization, which will be owned by Future World. The advantages of privatization are that Future World uses the Statistics System, a new system in which resources are strictly directed towards the development of the Future. In comparison, Capitalism is aimed at personal capital growth, we give rights to property to people who use resources for personal purposes, so we see no progress | There will be no Future due to inefficient use of resources |

Image: Ivan Tantsiura

Through the FW Foundation, we will acquire all the resources we need. We are focused on buying up land to create a new state called Future World. If we work in any other state, then when paying taxes, resources go to the capital of other countries, the effectiveness of which we doubt and it is obvious that in the Capitalist System all resources are mostly wasted.

| All properties have a planned use, for more information on Statistics System under Statistics or Capitalism by Future World TV |

★ Thanks to your contribution, we will build the Future World.
You are contributing to the development of the world.


▪ Creating the Future - Technology, Infrastructure, etc.
▪ Free Education
▪ Earth Recovery
And more.

Future World has a huge number of projects. We create production of different materials - From Basic to Rich resources, which we provide with the Statistics System.

You can donate to all types of resources

We need:

▪ Place of residence

Images: Herman Miller | Internet Resources

This is our base station where we will temporarily base ourselves prior to acquiring land for Future World. Land is an important acquisition for Future World.

We accept all the comforts of life

• Furniture
• Technics
• TV
And more.

▪ Computers

Computers will be used for:

• Future World TV - MAG | ★ The Futurist Magazine - Spreading ideas will attract more like-minded people
• My World - Programming
• Education - Creating an Education System | Training in different professions
And more.

★ Computers will be used every second.

▪ Food

Food, whatever. We can cook ourselves, we accept prepared food the same way.

▪ Rest

All the things that you donate, we will find a use for everything.

▪ Money

FW Foundation Debit Card: 5536913872126277

If it is convenient for you to transfer money to an account, then we will acquire all the most necessary resources for work. Thanks to the privatization of all the necessary resources, we use the Statistics System.

Unused Things

★ Many things people have without using, you can send them to the FW Foundation and we will find the most advanced ways to use.

We will completely count down resource utilization by second and by assignment. Your contribution goes to the development of the world and brings the world closer to the Future. You should think about the Future of Earth and Future Generations.
You can also suggest cutting edge ideas.


The Future World Foundation is a database of assets that can be used by the Futurists, accessed through the Statistics System | By personal indicators |. Thus, we offer physical resources through Statistics. The Capitalist System can also be included for liberal politics.

| Future World has all the advanced ideas and tasks about which you can find in Future World TV |

Everyone can be trained and become a Futurist.

Futurists are a public figure, an ideological designer of Future World.



We are thinking about privatization, since with a sharp increase in FW in the Capitalist System due to rent and other privileges, the price will rise and the persons who own land and other property will grow rich due to the growth of FW without participating in the project.
And Future World is a public project aimed at developing the world but not at developing personal capital.

| Purpose of Future World

Image: Mitchell Stuart

Purpose: Creation of the Future World state.

The creation of a new state on a new land will give independence.

Projects that allowing to create the Future World:

▪ Future World TV
▪ Future Cities | Base of Future World |
▪ My World | Future Computers |
▪ Statistics | Management of FW |
▪ Education System | Knowledge Storing |

1 Future World TV

Future World TV is a Media that introduces people to the ideas and projects of Future World.

Future World TV offers magazines:
MAG | ★ The Futurist Magazine


Magazine of Future World about ideas and projects. All advanced ideas and solutions are published here.

★ The Futurist Magazine

A magazine dedicated to Futurists who are building the Future.

2 Future Cities

Image: Leon Tukker

This is the Future World Base, FC are planned and will be built as intended.

FCs will initially be dedicated to the Environment of Future World. We are creating an ecosystem for FW projects, all the resources with which we work are transferred to FC.

FC stands for advanced architectural and engineering ideas.

| Future Cities Worldwide

With the creation of the state of Future World and its consistent growth, many will want to enter the territory of the Future World, in order to solve this problem, we are creating Future Cities around the world.
FC will have all the necessary resources and provide them under Statistics - In exchange for working hours, knowledge, etc. In the process of arranging FC, we will satisfy their basic need. In FC people will be taught the ideas of Futurism and they can develop in their countries and equip their countries with the ideas of the Future. We will invest in the individual development of people, which in the mass will allow the growth of the development of the world.

| Influence

The first Cities of the Future can also be tourist centers, with the growth of the fund we will expand, creating the World of the Future all over the planet. As a result, to make the world a favorable and beautiful place, completely clean. The whole world will be available to everyone. The views will be beautiful, you can visit anywhere in the world, all the basic FC technologies will be everywhere.

3 My World

Future Computers system allowing to put everything online, which will allow you to see all the processes online.

The creation of an identified account will allow the creation of Future Graphics, data that gives a request for the planned production of products for Basic and Rich consumption of people.
All data goes to the Statistics System and the system allocates resources. Thus, we have planned production.

ID Account will also allow us to transfer all data online, no paper documents.
Today we carry packages of documents with us, sign contracts, use papers everywhere, in My World everything will be stored online.

More details in the My World article on Future World TV.

4 Statistics System

We will transfer all assets to Statistics System.

In the Statistics System, values ​​are:

• Time
• People
• Resources
• Knowledge

We will work on the creation of Automation of all household work, which will significantly reduce the unnecessary time and energy of people, and direct it to the development of really necessary areas.

People once again do not engage in meaningless things, that is, they do not waste what they consume. People consume a huge amount of organic resources, the lives of animals, plants that are shed for the sake of empty occupation of people.
People also won’t be wasting their life time.

For example:

Professions that existed in the past have replaced computers, such as postmen.

Today people work for money and not for ideas because of the need to acquire resources for consumption, because of their inaccessibility. Everything will be available in Future World and people will work for ideas.
Instead of money, there will be an accurate planned distribution of resources according to the Statistics System. The Statistics System collects all data from the world and opens tasks in the form of 1, 2 and 3 levels of need. | More below |

| Universal Usage

Future World resources will be used in a universal way, while preserving the potential of time.
All resources will be used continuously without restrictions, every second of resource use is a potential progress in development.

For example:

Technologies like computers can be used continuously, using every second of potential time. Computers can be used for large-scale tasks like:

• Research | Training | Education
• Projects and more.

The Internet opens access to world knowledge, programs and many other useful resources.

Computers are equipment that can be operated via the My World project network. Computers will not be privatized for just one specialty such as TV. All data is stored on the Web and anyone can use the equipment for any task - All resources are available and people take when they need and leave them in place where others can use.

The potential for Universal Use will exceed development at times.
Every hour: research work, training, design work will move progress forward.
Time - At night, a huge amount of technology stands and is not used.

Statistics System will allow to project time in use from simple to advanced tasks.

For example:

Computers can be used for non-promising tasks, which takes up potential time for promising tasks.

The FW Foundation has everything you need.
Statistics System opens tasks that people can select and use the resource base for working hours.

We will explore under what circumstances a person is able to work as efficiently as possible and still enjoy life. According to the Statistics System, create a certain level of working hours for a person - For example, 4 hours a day, the rest for personal affairs. | This policy is for freedom of choice |.

| Futurist as Individual Growth

Moving away from the Statistics System, we propose an alternative.

★ Futurists will be trained to independently provide themselves with all the necessary tools for life thanks to the Education System - Knowledge will be opened, Statistics System will open access to resources - For example, access to land will be without rent, subject to all technical rules such as Statistics, Quality Standards, and so on.
It is also promising when people will colonize planets, they will have the entire base, for example, existing resources on other planets can be used using knowledge from the Education System.

If we are talking about the individual growth of each Futurist, then this will allow massive growth. If people have the knowledge to build buildings on their own, grow food, then they will be free and will manage their own lives. We only give ideas for development and technical rules.

We offer Automation in which all work will be performed by clicking on the computer. With Automation, there will be an increased demand for Energy, we will open working hours for the creation of Future Energy.

The history of money is connected with the need to sell and exchange resources, since in the world of property belongs to a huge number of people, also people do not have knowledge of the production of all materials and they exchange goods with the help of money. With the development of states and their subtleties, various professions appeared that were evaluated with money in the form of services. People provide entire states in the hope of adequate management and correct distribution of resources, but today management only seeks to maintain the position, money has become a brake on the Development of the Future.

For example, when you create a state, create an infrastructure and new residents to support the state must bring some kind of usefulness for the development of the state in the form of money, and money in translation is time, people's knowledge like everything else. People donate their time, knowledge and many other aspects so that the state in which they live was better and closer to the future, otherwise what is the benefit that they donate their time, strength, knowledge. Then everything goes to waste. Right there we are talking about the fact that management can be taken by people who will distribute money for themselves and we see slowdown.

5 Education System

We will make education accessible to everyone. Future Universities are free universities where those who wish can study both individually and in groups. Future Universities are needed to make Education available when it is needed, to make a sharp leap in development, to push progress forward.

□ Future Universities

Future Universities has all the equipment needs:

• My World
• Education System
• Statistics

All basic resources are provided as:

▪ Housing
▪ Food
▪ Technique
▪ Parks | Audiences | Books
And much more.

People will be focused on learning, full immersion in learning.

Future Universities also integrates Statistics, students can work on different projects

| Start of Implementation

Image: PNGTree

★ Everything will start when we start to acquire property, create fully-fledged brain projects like Statistics System, Education System and My World. We will invite people from developed countries and build a Future World.

We will use all the various properties for tasks with the potential of every second.

The Statistics System creates a system of tasks for which we will use resources. | Statistics is a global system that evaluates world performance and decision systems |

Requirement levels:

Level 1


▪ Education around the world
▪ Raising the level of knowledge of the population on the dissemination of ideas
• TV
• Books
• Magazines
• Lectures
▪ Creation of content for books, TV.
▪ Providing free training
▪ Correctly fostering attitude to the environment
▪ Invest in educational programs for those wishing to learn, creating conditions for them. The development of the brain requires favorable conditions, a rich resource of knowledge.
▪ Regulation of classifications - In history, there are cases of transformation of wild people into a developed society, according to the principle of the environment, any child will grow up developed in relation to the environment.
And more.

This includes solutions to Global Issues

► Nature Restoration

▪ Cleaning up the Earth
▪ Planting
▪ Climate control via cooling and etc.

★ Cleaning the streets is useless if you do not teach people how to be environmentally friendly.

To do this, we create:
• Favorable conditions - The environment shapes people
• Accessible education for all.
And more.

Level 2


We are planning to buy up lands in Australia, Africa, South America etc. In arid places and places for the construction of the first Cities of the Future. They can become research centers for the supply of goods around the world such as
▪ Energy - We will explore where we can grow plants better, get energy from solar wind spots, high tide and geothermal sources. We will be dependent on energy for transport automation, energy export and so on.
▪ Technology - My World, Recycling Plants
▪ Use every square meter in favor of
▪ Future Cities that self-purify, Water is automatically supplied for plants and all goods are delivered. Powerful computers that process a huge amount of information - Do the tasks of the first need so that the People of the Future can deal with Higher Questions
▪ Creation of favorable conditions on Earth - Creation of a Beautiful World, Construction of favorable houses in harmony with nature and beautiful buildings

Level 3

Higher Questions

With high growth rates, the FW Foundation will embark on a journey into space - The Search for Higher Questions. All the most interesting lies ahead.
A list of Higher Questions is on Future World TV.


The quantitative likelihood of any danger is reduced - The quantitative likelihood of a danger such as: Crime, Technical Hazards and so on, then how likely the danger will touch you. The world will be open, light, interesting and beautiful. People will be smart and they will think about Higher Questions.

○ General Addition

Image: The Venus Project

We want every place on Earth to be clean, beautiful, and favorable. There was a complete abundance of all materials around the world, to create an ideal world, this will allow every Future World residents to travel to all corners of the world using the Future Cities network. See; mountains, caves, forests and all the most beautiful on this Earth. We want to make the world open, create technology for easy movement around the world, live anywhere, work anywhere, Future World will be open on the Statistics System. Our desire is that every part of the Earth does not exist in an empty space, people also did not exist in an empty space, but created all the conditions for life. We have a lot of lands, free hands and minds, we have a huge potential to create an ideal world.

Future World has intentions to create an ideal world in which we can fly in development, seek Higher Questions, an understanding of existence. For us, the question still remains what is Existence, for what purposes the Universe was created. What does existence represent, the whole picture that we observe was invented for what purpose, to look for endlessness.

In the Future, Statistics will be Automated and self-renewed, and Futurists will be free to engage in research and many other areas. Constant development and changes await us ahead, there will be something higher. How much do you need to look over the edge to see the unseen, something that will cause Higher Questions and Goals, higher understanding. To get to the highest level we need power, the development of the mind, we need to increase the maximum level of development.

| Statistics System

Image: VectorStock

Statistics from the Latin word Status - state of affairs.
Statistics are quantitative data showing the position of the state of objects and so on.

Statistics System

Statistics are focused on the development of the Future World. The FW Foundation distributes statistics resources. Statistics allow us to increase the development of the world.
In Future Graphics, you choose a to-do list in any field of activity, in FG, when you complete tasks, you increase the statistics of Future World. The smart system itself allocates resources, you don't even need to buy anything, according to your statistics, the MW system automatically sends the delivery of goods, services, connects with future friends, etc.

Future Graphics is the order of your affairs for the future, Personal Statistics is an indicator of your affairs.

Future Graphics will allow you to reveal FW development statistics. FG draws your perspectives, studies the conditions in which you are, evaluates your mood, material availability, etc.

Statistics System Tasks

World Statistics shows world data and tasks are created on World Statistics. Demand monitoring and opening of work shifts will be done using the My World system. You can choose the schedule of your future by choosing the proposed types of cases for Future Graphics.

Personal Statistics

Personal Statistics will allow you to evaluate your achievements, see your performance.

The Statistics System will open up a huge number of tasks, for example: Education of the World - When you choose this direction, when you increase the Statistics of Education, you get all the necessary resources, both Basic and Rich.


Concept Writer:

▪ Daniel Lost


For Connection:

Instagram: futureworldtv

★ If you noticed an image protected by copyright, write us

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