Future World TV
9 min readSep 26, 2020

Future World TV

Future World TV is a media platform dedicated to the ideas and projects of Future World.

TV as a tool that allowing to receive advanced information in the form of:

• Video - Editions | Movies
• Audio - Podcasts | Audio Books | Music
• Static - Magazines | Books | Images
• Physical - Prints
And more.

Future World is a system of advanced ideas and technologies for creating the Future.

| History of Future World TV

Image: FW TV | YouTube

We wanted to do something to create Future World, since we did not have the funds, we began to think about spreading the ideas of Future World by creating Future World TV in order to attract people to raise funds and implement.
Media also allows us to provide advanced data about projects and ideas, and even if we had the opportunity and resources, we would still create a media platform to provide the necessary data.

We are at the beginning of the journey and publish articles on Medium.

Our plans are:

▪ Site Creation
▪ Video Editions | YouTube, Instagram |
▪ Magazines: MAG | ★ The Futurist Magazine
▪ 🌌 Future Shop
▪ TV


1 Website

| www.futureworld.com |
What is a website for? The site is a representative of the Future World project, the site provides data on ideas and projects of the Futute World system.

Arts | Video | Audio | Shop


We release •Arts• on Medium.
•Arts as the creation of Art Design, Articles, A set of advanced design ideas for content•

2 Video Editions

Video Editions are planned for platforms:
• YouTube
• Instagram

3 Magazines

Magazines will be general and specific:
• ★ The Futurist Magazine


We create innovative ways to publish content. We work on every detail to create the perfect design magazine.

Work with:

• Fonts
• Symbols
• Elements - signs
• Illustration - image, render
• Quiz
• Paints - color palettes
• Analogies - the difference
• Geometry - Size
• Content presentation
• Speed ​​- brief mode (with symbols, highlighting text, data)
• Reading Areas - Reading instructions
• Book materials - paper and various materials, luminous books with an inscription
• Boxes - places where you can take books
• Stocks - photos, elements, illustrations, styles
• Familiarization - about the extraction of paints and papers, publishers, number of copies
• Applying knowledge in the real world - books, information assignment
• Stickers
• Atmosphere - evening, morning, smells, music | by topic and by specific pages



★ Important, Merit
■ Formal
△ Abstract
◯ General, Search
● Source
▷ Recommendation
► Work, Task
□ Performance
◉ Future
»Transition or Data
• Communicate ideas
| Theme
→ Speed
↺ Again
X Error
+ Done, Advantages


▲ Mind
◩ Monochrome
≡ Fog | Shadow
◖◗ Explosive
▼ Memories
◫ Practice, Fundamental
// Not information
* Correction
|| Subtheme

★ The Futurist Magazine

The Futurist Magazine is a magazine dedicated to People of the Future who work in different fields of activity and motivates us with their achievements.
The Futurist is a real example of the creator of the Future, the magazine touches on the questions of what builds Futurists, what they do to realize ideas, where the ideas of the Future come from.

By their example, we can be sure that everyone can create the Future using features like:

• Knowledge
• Labor
• Resources


Without knowledge, you will stand still, knowledge gives an idea of ​​the world around and the most advanced research achievements. You will know all the technical problems that can occur due to the inappropriate use of technology, resources, environmental treatment.


To work, you just need to remain without outside help and take your Future into your own hands. Of all the people who have achieved great results, everyone started from scratch, everyone experienced a lot of failures, but we ask no one to give up | Either you will follow the baton or the future generation will follow your experiments |


Use everything that you have every second, use it for large-scale tasks and goals.

4 🌌 Future Shop

We need to spread the ideas of Future World using products from the Future Shop. All conceptual products from Future World and goods from around the world are collected here.


Images: Print Bar

• T-shirt | Jeans | Shoes
• Little Things
And more.

3D Prints

Images: The Venus Project

• Future Houses
• Exoplanets
And more.


• Space Flag
• Space Objects and Phenomena
And more.

The store may offer products on the Statistics System. You can get products using Statistics or Money, we find it more useful to exchange more valuable resources like: Time of People, Knowledge and so on. So that money does not restrict people in using products, we use Statistics.
If it's easier for people to use the monetary method of exchange, then we send everything to the FW Foundation.


All products are provided by different companies as well as original products of Future World.
All products are manufactured according to Quality Standards.
We will promote companies that develop sustainable production methods.


▪ Re-leaf
Technology for the production of paper from fallen leaves
And more.

5 TV

Image: Xiaomi OLED

TV project as a system of Future Screens installations throughout the city, to create a design addition to the city and a live background.
Future Screen provide perfect high definition screens, technology provide cutting-edge design gears, content management and more.

Benefits of Future Screens:

Image: Avatar

▪ Decreased Paper Production
Future Screens allows you to transfer all Content, Ads, Integrations, Transfers, Design to electronic format.

Designing TV as broadcasting of different Content Projects.

We create a management in which people can navigate the broadcast channels, choose the desired section anywhere there is TV, we also appreciate the need for TV - Usefulness.

| Future of Television

Image: Getty

• Video
• Audio
• Temperature | Matter: air, water, snow etc. | Smell


We hear audio songs that add meaning to reality.
This remains in our memory and we store it in our memories, as a special connection of the incident in time.
But everything happens at random, we do not choose the atmosphere and do not plan the theme of the music.
We plan to create Atmospheres, thanks to which we get more semantic content, semantic load occurs on all 5 senses. This is a more efficient way of perceiving content.


We can supplement the film with an augmented reality system using technologies to simulate Temperature, Smells, Background Light and much more.
We think it will be a special room with all the settings.


| High Efficiency |
▪ Training
▪ Work
▪ Entertainment
And more.

The Senses allow you to accumulate information in memory and expand the Spectrum of Knowledge. Development is determined by the level of our Knowledge Storage technologies, as a complex large-scale neurostructure.

Possible Future TV Professions:

▪ Designer Atmosphere of Content.

Narrow specialties:

• Smell Designer - Applications of the perfume industry and science
• Taste Designer - Applying Cooking Skills
• Designer of Temperature, Wind and more.


• Sound Design
• Motion Design

The Future of information transmission and processing:

▪ Instant transfer of ideas
Consciousness Network around the world.


Knowledge can be integrated into a person in a second. This is the Future for Education.


History of TV

| Short View |

The word television comes from Ancient Greek τῆλε (tèle), meaning 'far', and Latin visio, meaning 'sight'.

| Motion Picture


It all starts with observing the movement of the shadow, but it was especially curious in a confined space. Previously, people took refuge in caves, and through a small hole, light could fall and display an optical image of objects outside, later this phenomenon was called the Camera Obscura.

In the 15th century, references to the camera obscura are found in the 5th-4th century BC. e. - the followers of the Chinese philosopher Mo-tzu (Moists) described the appearance of an inverted image on the wall of a darkened room. Perhaps the mention of a camera obscura is found in Aristotle, who wondered how a circular image of the Sun could arise when it shines through a square hole.

The development of TV is of a mastrous nature, in all developed countries people have researched and created different technologies. At some point, TV was black and white, later in color, then high quality, today it's 8K and so on. In all parts of the world, people work on every detail, since TV has a whole component and consists of many details.


Radio made it possible to transmit information through space in a second, with the development of radio technologies and satellites, TV began to rapidly develop and unite the world. Various Shows, Movies, Air and much more became possible.

Many different channels began to appear:


• National Geographic
• Discovery
And more.


The development of Internet technology opens up new perspectives.
At first, films could be watched either on TV or on cassettes and disks, with the development of the Internet, Internet projects began to develop and video broadcasting moved to the Internet, the first of the successful projects was YouTube and it was acquired by Google. The company began to invest in this platform efforts, resources, developing all the technical capabilities and over time YouTube gained wide popularity. Today, there are also many popular projects, one of which is Netflix.

| Television


TV is about data collection, content creation and transmission methods.


First, people work on content, work on creativity, do full data analysis, validate accuracy and validity. The content can be varied, depending on the topic.


Transfer methods are technologies that allow content to be transferred to viewers, this is of a technical nature.

○ Search

▪ History of Television


Concept Writer:

▪ Daniel Lost


For Connection:

Instagram: futureworldtv

★ If you noticed an image protected by copyright, write us

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