History of Futurism
Image: Robert McCall’s
| Futurism
Futurism from the Latin word futurum - future.
We can call Futurism as a process of the world's progress. Futurists are like people who create tools for progress.
We call futurism progress; progress can be measured in a general and special way.
A special way to measure progress
▪ Measuring industrial progress can be done by increasing energy consumption. This is the basis of the Kardashev Scale of civilizations.
Image: Wikipedia
▪ In the information age, the yardstick can be the speed of microprocessors (Moore’s law)
Image: Wikipedia
▪ Artificial Intelligence
▪ Security, development of weapons of mass destruction
General way to measure progress
All special types of progress are collected in a general volume and a general conclusion is made. Thus, we will have data on what stage of development our civilization is at.
| History of Prediction
The future was predicted by prophets and religious thinkers from ancient times: Plato, Aristotle, Old Testament biblical prophets, for example, Isaiah, New Testament saints, for example, John the Evangelist, medieval mystics, for example, Nostradamus, and so on.
| Ancient philosophers began to predict more logically |
Many philosophers have tried to predict the future. The Philosovs put forward the idea that the entire material world consists of the smallest particles - Atoms.
A famous Italian named Giordano Bruno researched forbidden books (at that time) for free knowledge of the universe and later put forward the idea that the universe is infinite and in the universe there are an infinite number of planets and worlds like ours, but at that time it was believed that the Earth is the center of the solar system. Later, Giordano Bruno's ideas were experimentally confirmed.
The evolution of predictions begins with self-preservation from dangers, such as instincts, intuition.
Later, the brain receives more reactions, more information from the outside world, due to this, the structure and composition of the brain develops, making it possible to store and process information. This allowing to work with information, add up previous experience, and make predictions.
○ Search
▪ Future / Wikipedia
Modern Futurism seeks to understand the Universe, technical work on the creation of technologies and stages of development in the form of Kardashev Scale and much more.
Possible ways of superhuman intelligence formation:
• Development of Artificial Intelligence
• Increase in biological capabilities of a person
• Human-computer systems
The emergence of artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence will either be created by humans or spontaneously originate in the network (emergent evolution). Artificial Intelligence of the future will have the following advantages over human intelligence:
▪ The speed of propagation of signals between neurons is 100 m/s, and between microcircuits - 300,000 km/s (the speed of light), while the response time of neurons in the human brain is about a billion times less compared to silicon cells (today) and this gap continues to widen
▪ The number of neurons in the human brain is ~ 86 billion, in AI - practically unlimited
▪ The term of functioning of AI is unlimited, in particular, for example, due to the possible rewriting of consciousness - the AI program from one electronic environment to another; while managing a civilization, the “human factor” will not affect (any person always has shortcomings, as well as, possibly, a lack of understanding of priorities development)
▪ Direct "implantability" of AI into electronic-computer networks, increasingly entangling the planet (that is, instantaneous simultaneous processing and management of billions of channels)
There are two possible future scenarios: Pessimistic and Optimistic
The predicted options for the future include both pessimistic visions of the future (ecological catastrophe, World War III, nanotechnological catastrophe, and a Utopian future in which the poorest people live in conditions that can be considered rich and comfortable today, and even the transformation of humanity into a posthuman form of life.
And both are possible.
● Source: Wikipedia
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▪ Transhumanism / Technologies
| Future of Universe
Image: Omni.calculator
Since our Universe is expanding, in the distant future, great changes should be expected in the Universe. There is no clearly established unified theory of the future of the Universe. There are only many different theories.
▪ Big Freeze
This scenario assumes that the universe is torn apart due to its acceleration.
▪ Big Crunch
This scenario assumes the compression of the universe into a singularity. Extremely unlikely due to the observation of the accelerated expansion of the universe.
And more.
● Source: Wikipedia
○ Search
▪ Future of an Expanding Universe / Wikipedia
▪ Timelapse of Future / Melodysheep
| Essentials of Futurism
| Short View |
Terminologies of Future:
▪ Futurology
▪ Transhumanism
▪ Future Shok
▪ Technological Singularity
▪ Universal History (Big History)
▪ Kardashev Scale
Films about Future:
▪ Timelapse of Future
Fantasy Books about Future:
▪ Star Maker
▪ Futurism.com
And more.
| Future World Version
Measuring the Future
The future can be assessed by special types of progress, such as development in different areas of activity and by adding up the types of progress in the total volume, this is how we define the Future. The measurement of progress is the time spent on development. Every second for Future World is a unit of value that can bring progress in any area.
Deep Theory about Time and More About Physics
● Source:
A Universal Way to Measure the Future | Progress | is Time, every second builds the Future. It is very important to note that it is the acting second that is the brick of the future; if the second is not active, then it is the braking of the Future and a stop. | The effective second means active hours |
The development of civilization is measured by the current time - Active work time
Separate progress is progress in time - Accelerating the time of progress | Win some time. Gaining time will speed up progress. Automation is one of the solutions to speed up the progress time.
Future of Future World
The future in the view of the Future World is creation. We create the Future, just like the Future of the Universe was created by the creator with the most advanced ideas and systematic work.
According to Future World - Future is a verb meaning Creation, Planning, Building the Future.
Based on the word Future, we called Future World as the Creation and Design of the World, as well as the Beautiful and Smart World
The verb Future can be used in any field of activity, it will mean - Progress Creation, Progress Action.
The future is also Research - To see the development perspective in different fields of activity | The future of science, technology and more. |
Image: Forbes
Future World is planning of the future world, before people never planned the future of the world, future inventions and events were never planned, everything is not planned, on intuition and instincts.
How does this affect?
Inventions are not planned, which later affects to the world, causing Global Issues. Cities and countries populate spontaneously, urban infrastructure is built on the fly, and so on.
Summary of latest data:
Plastic ends up in the environment:
• Water space - Oceans, Sea, Rivers.
• Land space - Third world countries, Territories where there is a huge amount of plastic per sq/m.
Plastic turns into microplastics, which increases the environmental problem - Microplastics are difficult to collect.
The plastic is crushed into microplastics and released into the Water Space and Land Space.
The problem with plastic is its positive decay.
According to the latest data, Microplastics ended up in:
• Vegetables
● Source:
• Pisces
● Source:
• Rains
● Source:
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▪ ★ Jon Chambers / Future World TV
▪ 8 Billion Trees
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▪ ★ Joaquin Phoenix / Future World TV
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▪ ★ Albert Gore, ★ Leonardo DiCaprio,
★ Greta Thunberg / Future World TV
And more.
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▪ Global Issues
Image: NASA
In this case, the Futurists are the builders of the Future, they plan the Future of the world, solve various issues like the State of the Earth and Space, and plan projects for the Future.
Statistics is applied to do things like: production, construction of the Future.
The future can not only be predicted, but also built
Futuristic Approach
- This is to advance in development, to make progress in development. To move to a new level in all spheres: in science, technology, lifestyle as a whole world and much more.
This approach will help:
▪ Time - Initially we are given time to exist
▪ Educational Base | Where all the knowledge of the world is collected, with the most advanced research |
▪ Resources | Developed countries, Technology and more |
▪ People of the Future | They Build the Future and Share the Most Advanced Ideas and Developments |
These are the tools for forming the Futurist. Initially, Time is a tool for creating the Future.
Futurists attach importance to knowledge as the basis of world civilization. They use the entire world potential, are ahead of their time by solving hundreds and thousands of problems simultaneously. Futurists are ahead of their time, they think ahead. Their goals are wide, knowledge starting from the primary of the Universe.
Every second is the creation of the Future.
A futuristic approach is to move further in development, to move progress, to see the reasons for obstacles.
This is a huge work with knowledge, with data, you need to carry out research work, work with multiple data, apply the most advanced ideas and technologies.
Futurists plan the future, create progressive projects, disassemble all stages of production. They look at the world on a large scale and pay attention to every detail, which increases the speed of development en masse.
For Example:
Futurism in TV is to come up with cutting-edge transmission technologies such as tactile sensations, presence effects, taste, snapping and much more. | All senses are involved |
Futurists apply
▪ Time - Use time as solving 100 to 100x problems at a time | Automation |
▪ Knowledge
▪ Implementation Technologies | People |
▪ Resources of the Earth and Space
Futurists use the full potential of the working time of each person, each resource, each knowledge, they use every detail as a systemic mechanism of work to achieve the Highest Tasks. Their imagination strives for Perfection.
| Futurist
The Oxford English Dictionary identifies the earliest use of the term futurism in English as 1842, to refer, in a theological context, to the Christian eschatological tendency of that time. The next recorded use is the label adopted by the Italian and Russian Futurists, the artistic, literary and political movements of the 1920s and 1930s which sought to reject the past and fervently embrace speed, technology, and often violent change.
| There are a number of organizations that specialize in this field including the World Future Society |
A futurist is an ideological designer of the future, a creator of the future.
The Futurist is working on creating the Future, working on plans, solving technical issues.
Futurists decide the reasons for the inhibition of progress. A ban is introduced into management for slowing down progress as a crime | According to the principle - Progress makes the world developed, but the one who deliberately slows down progress, he slows down the development of the world.
A Futurist can be:
• Specialist - In different areas
• Ideological designer of the Future - Ideologist
• Realizer of the Future - Ideological realizer
| Futurists
Jacques Fresco
Jacques Fresco is perhaps one of the brightest representatives of the Futurists. It embraces the progress of the entire world, proposing to make the world a single system for creating a rich, prosperous future by wisely allocating the resources of the Earth.
His revolutionary ideas for the Future as Socio-Cyborgengineering | The Venus Project | offers the most advanced design solutions for the future. His famous interview with Larry King where he clearly presents ideas and solutions, proposing future world planning.
Jacque Fresco specialized as an inventor and ideologist. The Venus Project needed funds, an economic plan.
Unfortunately, outside help was not involved and Fresco himself did not undertake an economic plan of action, but he was a rich conceptualist. We hope for decisive people who are ready to take the project into their own hands and are ready to implement it, since the project has a big breakthrough for Future World.
To implement The Venus Project, you will need to raise the project fund, this requires business projects, you literally need to do business, raise money capital.
The economic benefits of The Venus Project
Future Cities
• Tourism
• Rentals - Office, Accommodation and more.
• Entertainment - Entertainment Infrastructure
• Future Universities
• Transport
• Manufacturing - Technology, Energy, Eco-materials and so on.
And more.
The infrastructure of Future Cities includes a huge volume of projects.
| Prices will depend on demand - Demand on quality of work |
We can build the Future and at the same time increase the world’s economy
We want to attract more Futurists to implement this project. Benefit for Futurists is freedom in the desire to move forward in development, apply advanced ideas | Free and secure policy |
This is very useful for entrepreneurs, for specialists in various fields of activity, and so on.
The project also has an economic perspective that will also increase your personal capital growth, as offered by Future Technologies | More details about the project - The Venus Project |
○ Search
▪ The Venus Project
▪ ★ Jacque Fresco / Future World TV
Elon Musk
He is the ideological implementer of the Future, his projects solve the Global Questions of the Future.
▪ Tesla - Tesla Cars Reduce Global CO2 Emissions, Tesla Promotes Clean Energy
▪ SpaceX - Rescue and flights of mankind on other planets and in the future Travel into space
▪ SolarCity
And more.
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▪ ★ Elon Musk / Future World TV
Concept Writer:
▪ Daniel Lost
For Connection:
Instagram: futureworldtv