Future World TV
12 min readSep 2, 2020

State Science

Image: NASA

State Science assesses the state of the Universe and objects in the Universe, monitors the General and Special state, sets standards for accurately establishing the time of existence. The state of objects changes over time, State Science establishes States over time. SS is needed to control the States.

Images: Life Beyond (17:45) / Melodysheep

The basis of State Science is the establishment of the States of objects in time | States at different times |.
State Science provides data through which we plan the Future from the data received.

| State - evaluates the standards of the state of objects, phenomena, interactions - The state of space, space objects, phenomena, planets. State is the science of setting standards of States |

State has a demand for Global Issues and the study of the Future of the Universe.

| Global Issues

Image: United Nation

Informally, a Global Issue is any Issue (problem, risk) that adversely affects the global community and environment, possibly in a catastrophic way, including environmental issues, political crisis, social issues and economic crisis.
● Wikipedia

Initially, State Science emerged from the Anthropogenic impact on the State of the Earth, due to which the types of Global Issues appeared. We are observing the deterioration of the State of the Earth under the influence of people.

When we discuss about the State of the Earth, we discuss about the whole Ecosystem, about Bio-Nature and her home - the Earth. This is a unified system. Bio-Nature created the conditions for life on Earth, this is a huge work. Without Bio-Nature, the Earth is just another planet among the countless planets in the universe. We originally named the planet Earth as the place where we are and live, this is our home. It took Bio-Nature about 3.7 billion years to create living conditions.

By controlling the State of the Earth, we control the initial conditions for all types of living organisms by conducting Online monitoring of the Earth State. We completely minimize the harmful Anthropogenic impact:

• Reducing the population of people | Unplanned birth |
• Controlling resource usage - Implementing Statistics | Reasonable Use |

• We introduce all the rules for people in relation to Nature - now all the rights of Nature are fully protected from the influence of people.

○ General

Cosmic Catastrophes

| Astronomers reveal the six cosmic catastrophes that could wipe out our planet |

Earth Catastrophes

Globa Issues caused by 2 reasons: Natural and Anthropogenic.


| Natural

Historically, Natural Cataclysms caused mass extinctions of species, because of which only a small percentage of creatures could survive on Earth, there is historical evidence of extinct species caused by the natural way. But Bio-Nature has always been restored, living organisms returned to their previous state, more adapted to the new environment.

Natural impact can cause volcanic emissions, which can lead, for example, the Glacial Period. The types of Natural Impacts are varied.

Image: Chris Butler / Science Source

Types of Natural Cataclysms:

• Solar Emissions
• Falling Meteorites
• Explosions of nearby stars
• Eruption of Volcanoes
And more.


| Anthropogenic

The original State of Bio-Nature has always been stable, even during Natural Disasters, Bio-Nature has always been restored. Bio-Nature is threatened by 2 impacts - Anthropogenic.

To control Anthropogenic impact, we introduce rules for people, we control people with technical restrictions.

Global Issues are human impacts on the Earth. We Can Track Human Impacts Like Environmental Pollution - From Root Cause Sources Like Disposable Packaging Products | Mass Short Term Profit (trade) like deforestation, animal and plant killing, mass fishing and more.

Global Issues are our debt to other species, people always forget where they came from, but we came from simple species, thanks to their development and self-preservation. The impact of humans affects the State of the Earth, which provokes the death of other species.

Images: Wikipedia | Kathy Baxter

With the growth of Populations and the Industrial Revolution, people began to influence the Ecosystem of the Earth and its inhabitants.

Population and Development plays here an important role in influencing Bio-Nature.

• Population - the higher the population, the higher the needs, if we cite the statistics of people and calculate their needs for resources, we get a huge amount that people harm to Bio-Nature.
• Development - the development of technologies has opened up the opportunity for people to produce in huge quantities, use much more resources, which Bio-Nature does not have time to Restore.

With the development follows the unreasonable approach of people to the use of the Earth's resources as mentioned above - Environmental Pollution:

▪ Production of disposable packaging
▪ Extraction of oil, coal, natural gas. And more. | We will give a map later |


Types of Anthropogenic Impact:

• Pollution: Lands | Oceans | Atmosphere
• Kills: Extinction of Species | Mass murder of other species
And more.

People can cause Artificial Cataclysms:

• Atomic weapons
• Creation of black holes
• Climate Change
And more.

| Anthropogenic Impact Control Solutions

Quality Standards:

▪ Clean Energy
▪ Clean Products - Universal Use, Environmental Materials | Planned production with Statistics |
▪ Security - Earth | Bio-Nature | Humans
▪ Savings - Time, Resources and more
▪ High Education
And more.

| Human Issues

Image: National Geographic

Human Issues are of separate importance from Global Issues:

• World and Civil Wars
• Infringement of human rights
• Slavery
• Crime
• Diseases: Viruses, Microbes
• Hunger
• Natural Cataclysms
And more.

We track all Global Issues species as human-induced extinction, human-induced killing. All these actions are not reasonable to admit it is Natural, for a moment imagine that the Human species in the entire history of the existence of life is a unique species and never before have other species looked beyond the vastness of the Universe, technologies were not invented, were not developed like humans, which makes a Human special in comparison with other species, but humans evolved from simple species. At the same time, humans have created weapons of mass destruction, mass production, and more.

Evolution of Human

Embryo Comparation

To recognize things as natural, you should start sacrificing yourself, in order to finally understand what the weak and defenseless species feel, defenseless people also belong to this category.

We destroy nature with our needs:
With the growth of the population, a huge amount of resources costs per person:

Capitalism increasing intensifies this madness:
Capitalism is designed for short-term profits without planning for the future.

To understand the Natural, you need to take a close look at Bio-Nature, Bio-Nature exists in a Natural way, takes only what is needed and returns everything back, there is a supporting ecosystem.
A Human is the main criminal and monopolist, he can take everything and return nothing in return. He can destroy everything that is created by Bio-Nature. Therefore, do not call the behavior of people Natural in the person of Man, people are criminals, thieves, murderers, the last beasts. Their impunity makes them bolder and more greedy. Future World, represented by Future People | Futurists |, wants to speak for the complete inviolability of Bio-Nature and the return of all that we have taken, consider that we have taken the soul.

We took from other species:

Image: Peta

• Lives - personal, whole families, whole generations
• Life on existence of Extinct Species
• Territories
• Homes
And more.

It's time to start paying off our debts. Future World plans to return the State of the Earth to a stable initial state, to achieve zero negative impacts on the Earth. To return everything that was taken from Bio-Nature and let Bio-Nature develop by itself.

★ If you think that you personally do not do this, while using the infrastructure of the world on which all crime is built, you are responsible both historically and now.

○ Search

▪ Dominion
▪ Earthlings

| Crimes of people in their unreasonable use of resources of Bio-Nature, with unreasonable mining |

Development can be built with minimal impact on Bio-Nature if we use the potential of the mind, which we have but do not use. Other species do not have this ability, they do not have such a brain. People who do not use the mind are not exempt from responsibility.
In Bio-Nature, everything has a price, every fraction of a gram, nothing comes for free, everything is sacrificed.

Future World's goal is to recover all credits by restoring the rights of Bio-Nature and a picture of the cruelty of people towards Bio-Nature.

We must stop all additional incidents as planned.
The human species can pollute and spoil the Cosmos.

Image: David Shicomba / Wikipedia

For example:

▪ Exoplanets may be negatively affected by Humans
▪ Real Star Wars Can Begin
▪ With the invention of humans, dangerous physical phenomena such as black holes, quantum weapons and much more can negatively affect the Cosmos.
People can even interfere with the ecosystem of the Cosmos.

| Earth State

Image: SpaceX

State Science has a special section Earth State that tracks the State of the Earth, conducts online monitoring.

The Earth State evaluates the state of the past, present and future of the Earth. State evaluates the overall system on Earth - the state of the atmosphere, climate, geography, composition, and more. We are rendering animation of the Earth online from real data, the data will be updated all the time.

We set options for the scenario of the influence of External objects on the Earth, set the Cosmic distances of dangerous objects, the state of the Solar System and more.


Climate Change
Status: 🔴
▪ Blue - stable
▪ Yellow - abnormal
▪ Red - dangerous

The Status determines how dangerous the Issue can be. Status: Red | Climate Change | - the territories of which an inundation awaits, the number of people who are in dangerous zones, the number of creatures that have died and are dying under the influence of Climate Change - fires, floods, droughts and much more. Economic losses - houses, infrastructure, and so on (this data determines the status).

○ Search

▪ Earth State in Time | History of the Earth

| From the article ★ Albert Gore, ★ Leonardo DiCaprio, ★ Greta Thunberg - A series of Environmentalists

| Human |

Climate Change is the cause of Anthropogenic (Human) impact, like other types of Global Issues in the entire history of evolution. A Human is a unique person among the living world, he is interesting in comprehending different areas, his possibilities are sometimes endless - exploring the Universe, searching for Higher Questions.

Human was formed from a simple species to a complex one, thanks to those species that developed in the oceans, thanks to those who came out on land, began to walk, thanks to those who were moved by need, they fought, survived and kept the offspring - the future of us. They are our parents and all our achievements are their work, our gratitude is their protection, the protection of the only home - the Earth. Our achievements are the work of evolution for about 3.7 billion years.

We also learn from other species. Our ideas, technologies and more have been taken and imitated from different species. The living world is rich in ingenuity.

People of the Future see the connection that achievements are the works of the evolution of species. Our task is to protect the planet, the Earth is a home of all kinds.

The reason for the Human influence on the planet is obvious if we move people from the Earth, we will see a flourishing planet. We would call it Human On - Human Off.

Image: Getty Images

Nature does not need people, it is people who need nature.

If people worsen the condition of the Earth, pulling others along with them, this is a crime.

A Human as a species differs from other species in its activity, people invade untouched Nature, in an ecosystem in which everything is interconnected. This is well illustrated in the movie Avatar.

Image: Avatar

People make wars, radically extract oil, gold and various types of resources, appropriate territories and much more. People lack education, development is at an early stage, statistics can demonstrate this.
Other species are not capable of this | We would call it - Global Issues Caused by the Influence of Humans and Natural Disasters |

Nature will need a smart approach, the human mind is a tool to provide the Future as the Future of protecting the Earth | From Natural Disasters, space threats | Using knowledge and technology.

| Cosmos State

The State of the Cosmos monitors the state of General and Special objects in the Cosmos, providing data on the Future Development of the Cosmos, Cosmic Cataclysms and more. The state of the Cosmos is important for Safety and Research.

Image: NASA

Over the past decades, the development of Space Technologies has greatly increased, providing observation of Space and Space Objects, which offers a huge amount of data allowing to explore and see what is happening in Space. We can prove Physical laws, make discoveries, make predictions of the Cosmos, Search for extraterrestrial life, Exoplanets, See Future Dangers and more.

○ Search

▪ Hubble
And more.

Cosmos State provide data on how we plan the Future.

○ General

From numerous studies, physical theories, people began to predict and prove the Development of the Universe, its expansion. A brief overview of one scenario of the universe is in the movie Timelapse of the Future. The Future of the Universe may have different variants of events, for example, after the expansion, the opposite effect may occur - Big Crunch. Or another one - Heat Death.

○ Search

▪ Timelapse of the Future / Melodysheep
▪ Future of Universe

| Formula of Life

Image: Life Beyond / Melodysheep

Until people learn to create a chemical formula for life from inorganic matter, people can influence the disappearance of a unique phenomenon in the Cosmos - Life.

It seems now we do not know the formula of the ingredients of life, in order to create the chemistry of life from inorganic matter. We know the composition but not the formula, we have a lot to learn to create conditions, ingredients, creation of life from inorganic matter. Life has a formula, take all the necessary elements to reproduce, we can change genes, build new species from existing species. Genetics is a formula for life, which creates a certain organism for a certain environment, with changing conditions genetics (formula) changes.

★ There are countless inorganic Chemistry in Space, which makes Organic Chemistry unique.


Concept Writer:

▪ Daniel Lost


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