Future World TV
10 min readSep 13, 2020

★ Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​one of the main defender of the rights of Animals nowadays. With his participation, important films like Earthlings, Dominion were released in which frame-by-frame show the horror that people bring to animals. People forgot where they came from and lost the line. The impunity of people gives them the opportunity to do the most terrible things over the Animals, and the whole point is impunity.


Global Issues - Animal Rights

Status: 🔴


Education is not popular nowadays, all because of its inaccessibility. Human greed, greed - Their manifestation in the form of Capitalism. Education costs money, people's slave labor, rent, loans and much more prevent people from freely studying. People who with the help of money privatized resources that they do not use block access to those who would use these resources for the benefit of society - All this is described in detail in the Statistics or Capitalism article | Future World TV |.

Education would advance society in knowledge: the Evolution of the Universe, the Living World and People. A separate important section as History of People - Types of Anthropogenic Impacts: described in more detail in State Science | Especially Speciesism.

• Pollution: Lands, Oceans, Atmosphere
• Kills: Extinction of Species, Mass murder of other species
And more. |

Historical poverty, which entails greed, selfishness is associated with Capitalism. Also, the goals that people set for themselves are very small, due to the lack of Knowledge. Knowledge would allow people to look broadly at the world around them and already move to high stages of development such as Exploration of the Universe, Travel to Space, Solutions to Global Issues.

Joahin Phoenix

Essential of Joahin Phoenix is empathy towards animals and the environment. During filming, he had clear requirements - No leather suits and clothes. He adopted vegetarianism from the age of 3, since then he has completely given up killing animals and became an animal rights advocate.

To become an advocate of Animal Rights, you need to feel their suffering and pain by your example, try to put yourself in their place.

Oscar Speach

During his Oscar performance, Joaquin Phoenix gave an important speech on Racism and Species' Rasism | Speciesism of people in relation to Animals |

I think, whether we’re talking about gender inequality or racism or queer rights or indigenous rights or animal rights, we’re talking about the fight against injustice.

Almonds are out. Dairy is a disaster. So what milk should we drink?

We’re talking about the fight against the belief that one nation, one people, one race, one gender, one species, has the right to dominate, use and control another with impunity.

I think we’ve become very disconnected from the natural world. Many of us are guilty of an egocentric world view, and we believe that we’re the center of the universe. We go into the natural world and we plunder it for its resources. We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow and steal her baby, even though her cries of anguish are unmistakeable. Then we take her milk that’s intended for her calf and we put it in our coffee and our cereal.

We fear the idea of ​​personal change, because we think we need to sacrifice something; to give something up. But human beings at our best are so creative and inventive, and we can create, develop and implement systems of change that are beneficial to all sentient beings and the environment.

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​actively involved in public activities on the protection of Animal Rights and Climate Change. Speaks to the public, promotes vegetarianism, and does charity work.

His mother, Arlene Phoenix, runs the River Phoenix Center for Peace Building, named after his older brother, who died in 1993. Joaquin began his career by acting in television films and series, and first appeared on the big screen in 1995, playing with Nicole Kidman in Gus Van Sant's film What To Die For.

In early May 2019, many active civic actors, including Joaquin Phoenix and his Joker co-star Robert De Niro, signed an open letter, "No Return to Normal!" In it, they called on the peoples of different countries and their leaders to use the terrible experience of the raging epidemic to understand what is happening to humanity - and to prevent further destruction of nature and the environment, when people stop fearing the coronavirus and can return to their former life.

The American animal protection organization PETA has awarded Joaquin Phoenix the title of "Person of the Year - 2019". Thus, the long-term social activities of the actor were noted. According to the organization’s website, Phoenix became a vegetarian at the age of three or four when he saw a fish caught and gutted on the deck of the ship. For more than 40 years, the three-time Oscar nominee not only refuses animal food, but also actively works to protect Animal Rights: he takes part in demonstrations and advertising campaigns for Annimal Rights activists, and produces documentaries.

It seems obvious to me. I do not want to hurt another living, sensitive creature. I don’t want to take the children away from him. I don’t want to force him to sit in a cage and feed him just to kill him. This is absurd and barbaric.

| Peta

Transcript PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

In 2019, PETA helped more than 26,000 companion animals in more than 250 cities, including by providing more than 12,500 dogs and cats with spay/neuter services. We go so far as to transport animals to and from our mobile clinics, where they are spayed or neutered and given veterinary care, often free of charge.


We advise you to watch about the activity of Joaquin Phoenix:



| Actor’s Career

Phoenix became a real star in 2000, after the release of the film "Gladiator" on the world screens. Directed by Ridley Scott, this film has won five Academy Awards. Phoenix was first nominated for an Oscar. Playing the role of a DC Universe supervillain earned him cult status.
The film "Joker" was the turning point in the life and career of Phoenix, which led him to the Oscar.

Director Todd Phillips decided to tell the story of the Joker in an unusual manner and directed a drama, not a super action movie. Even Warner Brothers had little faith in the success of the film, and therefore the sensation it produced surprised so many professionals in Hollywood. With a budget of about $ 50 million, Joker's box office grosses exceeded a billion, the film won the main prize at the 76th Venice Film Festival and eleven Oscar 2020 nominations.

Joaquin Phoenix's Instagram is dedicated to Animal Rights Protection, Climate Change. He is a prime example among Hollywood actors as Animal Protector, Advocate of love and concern for the Environment.

| Animal Killing Problems

Animals are used in 4 main directions, the main direction is - Food.

Types of Non-Killing Animals:

▪ Humane Painless Murder
▪ Vegetarianism
▪ Growing Artificial Organs
▪ Cyborgization

1 Painless Murder - Euthanasia

It is necessary to provide general statistics for Euthanasia drugs and compare with the volume of use.
New ways of painless killing are important, which will free animals from painful death. 1 way is fast and effective compared to others.

2 Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is also considered a quick way of avoiding Animal Killing by eating the same amount of protein for certain diets. Vegetarianism is easier for people who are inactive.

3 Growing Artificial Organs

Growing Artificial Organs by means of genetic engineering, modifications. In-depth research needs to be done to find the best ways to Grow Organs. | It is also promising for replacing body parts |

4 Cyborgization

Designed: Art Lebedev Studio

★ Types of Artificial Life Support - This is also promising for Immortality.

And other alternatives.

The decision to quit eating meat is extremely difficult, since historically our body was formed polyphagous. Much will tell Human Anatomy, features of the body. Refusal from meat can affect the characteristics of our body, therefore we need to create an Ecosystem for a person for the transition from Murder to a Smart Approach in an integrated way.

○ Search

▪ Anatomy of Human
▪ Evolution
▪ The History of Development | Future World TV |

| Earthlings

The film was directed by Shaun Monson, he is an American film director and producer and environmental rights activist. | He is best known for writing, directing and producing the 2005 documentary Earthlings, which covers Animal Rights issues within industries such as pets, food, fashion, entertainment, and animal testing |

Animals are used in 4 directions

1 Pets
2 Food, Clothing
3 Entertainment
4 Animal Testing | Scientific Research |

The film shows the demand and need of people, their whims and desires for which animals pay with their lives. If you don't care about your life, how about the one you take away? The film tries to convey the basic message that we are all Earthlings and we need a Make Connection.

What if this happened to our species? I, like you, would be born to produce food of more intelligent species, with no future. Our life would be hell and we would be helpless against smart technologies that would invent intelligent species.

We are horrified if the Aliens can be stronger than us and we will be captured by them.

| Dominion

Dominion movement use hidden cameras and aerial drones to investigate the dark side of animal agriculture, to expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the Animal Kingdom.

Dominion was filmed in Australia. Australian documentary released in 2018 by Chris Delforce. The film shows the many ways in which animals are regularly abused. A total of six facets are illuminated: farm animals, wild animals, companion animals, entertainment animals, fur animals, and animal experimentation.

Movies available through YouTube.

These films show us a picture of the fact that we need to be responsible for our actions and quickly move on to all 4 stages of Animal Protection - Refusal to Kill Animals.


Joahin Phoenix

FW Statistics

• Earthlings
• What the Health
• Dominion

Movies: 3

Awards: 7



- It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal
- As a nation, this is the moment to start seriously investing our time, energy and resources into proven methods of reducing violence, both within our nation as well as internationally. The cost of violence to our culture and our children is simply not sustainable


Interesting Facts:

• He’s been vegan since he was 3
• He produced the documentary, What the Health

Concept Writers and Editors:

▪ Daniel Lost
▪ Anna Kirova


For Connection:

Instagram: thefuturistmagazine

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