Future World TV
7 min readMay 30, 2020

★ Jon Chambers

Image: 8 Billion Trees, FW TV

Jon Chambers is a young eco-activist who has dedicated his time to reforestation. John was inspired by a group of eco-activists •Eden Reforestation Project• and having gained ambition, he set a more ambitious goal - to plant 8 Billion Trees. This goal has special reasons, in an interview he says - according to world statistics, a huge number of hectares of forest is being destroyed, the impact of people on nature is enormous. He and a group of workers, volunteers decide to do everything possible to restore the forests, return the Earth to its original form. Their slogan is - Action. Act immediately.

•Eden Reforestation Project with whom 8 Billion Trees in partnership. Eden Reforestation also aims to harvest trees and restore forests•

You can find out world statistics on deforestation and many other data at Worldometer | Worldometer is a global independent organization providing World Statistics |

8 Billion Trees is also one of many projects for planting and restoring forests:
• The Bonn Challenge
• Trees for the Future
• Trees Forever
• The 10 Billion Tree Tsunami
• Plant a Billion Trees
• 8 Billion Trees
• Tĺhe Trillion Tree Campaign
• The One Trillion Trees Initiative, to mention just a few.

At its core, 8 Billion Trees carries out large-scale tree planting and tree conservation operations to fuel positive environmental change and defend habitats for animals, while also caring for displaced and hurt animals by utilizing wildlife sanctuaries and veterinary clinics focused in devastated and deforested areas. 8 Billion Trees was born on November 10th, 2018.

Image: 8 Billion Trees

We are a team of scientists, environmental engineers, wildlife veterinarians, and mass tree planting experts.

Image: 8 Billion Trees

“I started the organization 8 billion trees because research tells us that if we can protect and plant 8 billion trees, we can save our planet and reserve the destruction.”

- Jon Chambers

8 Billion Trees collect finance through the sale of branded goods on their website and direct them to reforestation, with the proceeds they plant trees. 96% Of All Funds Go To Support Planting & Conserving Trees and 4% they use for administration cost.




+ And more on 8billiontrees.com

We are completely committed to eco-friendly materials and sustainability when creating, packaging, handling and shipping our products. This goes beyond just planting trees with each purchase. You should feel good about every single product you purchase from 8 Billion Trees - we take that very seriously.

Our mission is restoring Earth and fighting against the evils of deforestation. We are always striving to find new ways to revitalize and restore the environment.


The issue of planting invasive species is one we take very seriously. By using only species that are native to a given area, many of these issues can be avoided.

“There are many different factors we use when determining where to plant, including the weather, local climate cycle, tree availability by species type, local need, and hotspot classification.

There are two factors that must be met for an area to be classified as a hotspot:

▪ A minimum of 1,500 species of plants are present
▪ A minimum of 70% of the original vegetation has been removed.

As of today, there are 35 areas defined as hot spots, making up 2.3% of Earth.

In some tree planting locations it is important to give locals in extreme poverty the opportunity for employment that allows them to pay for food and better shelter, send their kids to school, pay for medical care, and rise from poverty.”

- 8 Billion Trees Team


Deforestation can result in more carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. That is because trees take in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis, and carbon is locked chemically in their wood. When trees are burned, this carbon returns to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. With fewer trees around to take in the carbon dioxide, this greenhouse gas accumulates in the atmosphere and accelerates global warming.

Deforestation also threatens the world’s biodiversity. Tropical forests are home to great numbers of animal and plant species. When forests are logged or burned, it can drive many of those species into extinction. Some scientists say we are already in the midst of a mass-extinction episode.

● National Geographic

Deforestation leads to a violation of the ecological system, everything is interconnected in this system.

If we destroy coral reefs, fish will die too, just like on land. If people destroy the habitats and interactions of living organisms, then life in these places will cease. This is described in more detail in •The World Counts•

Every minute, about 48 football fields of the forest are destroyed. Humans have wiped out 60% of animals since 1970 - Zoological Society of London. Forests are home to 80% of the world's biodiversity.

Image: scitechdaily.com


▪ Construction

• Urban expansion, infrastructure, roads, homes, and more
• Furniture
• Paper - Every year, 4 billion trees are cut down in the world for paper production.

▪ Forest Fires

• 90% of fire cases are people (says Greenpeace)
Each year, fires burn millions of hectares of forest worldwide. In Russia, every year a fire blows away the area of ​​Germany. In Australia, there was a catastrophic fire lasting from November 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020, in which about 1 billion animals, 15 insects and 27.2 acres have burned died. Fires will intensify due to global warming.

▪ Energy and Fuel

• Wood
• Coal
• Oil
• Gas and much more destructive affect forests

▪ Manufacturing

• Mining sites freed up
• Construction of factories of various types

▪ Agriculture

• Deforestation to free up space for agriculture

▪ Animal grazing

• Animal plantations


In recent times most major bush fires have been started in remote areas by dry lightning. Some reports indicate that a changing climate could also be contributing to the ferocity of the 2019–20 fires with hotter, drier conditions making the country fire season longer and much more dangerous. Strong winds also promote the rapid spread of fires by lifting burning embers into the air. This is known as spotting and can start a new fire up to 40 kilometers (25 mi) downwind from the fire front.

● Wikipedia

Now put it all together and get a colossal deforestation number.

The reason is that the world's population is growing and not controlled. The more people the more needs. The amount of energy consumed has grown and is growing every time.

Image: Martinburo, Wikipedia

There will be problems with the Capitalist system anyway, it is the old unchanging system that creates the collapse in the world. We propose to direct the Earth’s resources to solving Global Issues and creating Statistics. In the Statistics system, people will increase the level of development Statistics in a quantitative way in different areas, which in volume will make the world wealthy in all kinds of resources. In history, the world has always been poor, the Future World intends to make the world wealthy.


Goal 8 billion trees implements Future World plans in the field of Ecology - restoration of nature, planting of trees.

We are very grateful to Jon and a large number of workers, we give appreciation to each of them. Thanks to those who promote 8 billion trees in the media.

Project Founder

▪ 8 billion trees

Countries planting and preserving trees

• Australia
• Brazil (Amazon Rainforest)
• Madagascar
• Nepal
• Tanzania
• California
• Indonesia
• Haiti
• HondurasIndia
• Philippines
• Ethiopia
• Kenya
• Democratic
• Republic of Congo
• Mali
• Senegal
• Uganda
• Mozambique
• Mexico

Jon Chambers

FW Statistics:

Project 1+

8 Billion Trees:
Number of planted trees 966,030+
Acres of conserved trees 166,000+
Saved animals 2000+
Countries 19+


Letters of thanks:

"Thank you for your efforts in supporting the recovery of Australia's nature environment"

- Government of Southern Australia

"8 billion trees unselfishly recovered multiple areas of the planets"

- Government of Tocantins in the Amazon Rainforest

"The organization has already saved many areas of the planet including Indonesia, Madagascar, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania"

- Government of Pará


Global tree restoration... the most effective carbon solution to date.

- Review by NASA

Planting trees is the most important thing we can do to contribute to the health of the planet.

- United Nations

The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant trees.


Tree planting 'has mind-blowing potential' to tackle climate crisis.

- The Guardian

One Single Word Could Change Everything Forever - Action.

- Jon Chambers


Concept Writer:

▪ Daniel Lost


For Connection:

Instagram: thefuturistmagazine

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