Future World TV
11 min readSep 6, 2020

★ Karl Marx

Karl Marx played a huge role in social development, on the rights of workers, the economy, and influence on the world community.


Global Issues — Human Rights

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You can live well, provide your life all things, become the best in your business, but not influence the world in any way and no one will write or remember you if you do not make the world around you better, especially when it is very necessary.

The essential of Karl Marx is humanity, love for the world around him, which is characteristic of any educated person. When you are in trouble, it’s unlikely that most have the capacity for compassion. Karl Marx was worried about the fate of ordinary people, and with all his efforts he wanted to create a Future for people. Society builds us, it is very important to invest in society. And we think without the quality of broad love the name of Marx would not have sounded.

Karl Marx is best known not as a philosopher but as a revolutionary, whose works inspired the foundation of many communist regimes in the twentieth century. It is hard to think of many who have had as much influence in the creation of the modern world.

□ Formal

Karl Marx is the ideologist of socialism, the author of the large-scale work "Capital", the founder of Marxism.
He began his career with the book On the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law, in which he sharply criticized the ruling regime.
In addition, Marx was also a sociologist, economist, writer, poet, political journalist, linguist, and public figure.

| Capitalism

Capitalism is a cruel form of government, Communism is more humane and reasonable, the idea of ​​Communism was born for an important reason - to protect the rights of people, workers, not to allow them to be exploited, not to take away their Future. Communism is an association of Workers, it is an institution for the Defense of Workers' Rights.

Soon the disciple and follower of K. Marx Vladimir Lenin materialized the idea of ​​Communism, creating the Soviet Union.

Capitalism is based on the management of others, workers who do the hard work, lift a stone, risk their lives and end up with pennies. Capitalism takes the working time of people, respectively, the future.

This is called Exploitation, when from a young age you are obliged to work in a factory until old age, and in old age you are replaced by the young. The idealism of Communism offers solutions, to give power to the workers, to provide them with all the necessary bases for life.

○ Search

▪ Capital by Karl Marx
▪ Statistics or Capitalism

| Selfishness

Historically, egoists existed and did not positively affect the development of the world, but they could negatively affect the rate of development, we are considering a form of behavior. Future World works on technologies that allow accelerating development, industrial production, development in all areas based on Statistics. The rate of Development can be influenced by various obstacles - Poverty of the system, later Selfishness - Monopoly and more.
Selfishness is inherent in any organism as a desire for self-preservation, if the organism senses danger, it acquires thorns, special skills, protective coatings - in order to preserve itself.

Selfishness has a beginning, it is associated with the severity of life, extreme poverty, inaccessibility to things, lack of access to education. Obviously, any organism seeks to preserve itself when there is no external help, when the environment throws people with its face into the dirt and does not regret a minute. The world has always been poor and selfishness has not been done, now people are so eager to take as much capital as possible and preserve them as if they never had anything.

Karl Marx has laid the foundation for directions:

▪ Scientific method of materialistic dialectics

▪ Materialistic understanding of Hegel’s philosophy

▪ Materialistic understanding of cultural history
▪ Scientific socialism, the first scientific theory of class struggle

▪ Scientific criticism of political economy, the first scientific theory of surplus value

| Statistics

K. Marx attached great importance to Statistics. In the article "Population, Crime and Pauperism" (1859) he wrote, evaluating the materials of the "Brief Statistical Survey of the United Kingdom for each of the last 5 years from 1844 to 1858 - the so-called Blue Book:" No matter how dry these cramped columns the figures in the officially published document, they actually provide more valuable material for the history of the general development of the nation than volumes full of rhetorical nonsense and political chatter " (K. Marx. Engels F. Soch. T. 13. S. 513).

One of the most famous works of F. Engels, "The Condition of the Working Class in England" (1845), is based on the data of official statistics, in which many sources were used: reports of the factory commission of 1833, the report of the commission on the Poor Law (on the results of a survey of the sanitary conditions of workers The Great Britain), published in 1842; the fifth annual report of the Office for Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages; the first report of the commission for the survey of the state of large cities and densely populated areas, published in 1844, and others. He regularly followed the publications on unemployment statistics, helped Marx, selecting the necessary statistics. Soon after the death of Marx, in June 1883, Engels wrote to Sorge, referring to the second volume of Capital: “If there weren't such a mass of American and Russian material (according to Russian statistics alone, more than two cubic meters of books), the second volume would be published long ago. This detailed investigation delayed him for many years; he, as always, had to collect all the materials in full until the last day... ”(Marx K. - Engels F. Soch. T. 36, p. 41).

○ Search

▪ Statistics in the works of K. Marx, F. Engels, V. Lenin (Rus)
● Source: https://ekonomstat.ru/uchebnoe-posobie-po-istorii-statistiki/502-statistika-v-trudah-k-marksa-f-jengelsa-v-i-lenina.html
▪ Statistics or Capitalism

| K. Marx’s Childhood

Marx’s House

Karl Marx's father was engaged in jurisprudence and was an admirer of the ideas of the Enlightenment and Kantian philosophy. Marx's parents belonged to two large families of rabbis. He was the third child in the family. Young Karl was introduced to the philosophy of antiquity and the literature of the Renaissance by his friend Heinrich Ludwig von Westfalen. Marx graduated from high school and university, but independently studied the works of thinkers of the past, he was especially interested in the teachings of Hegel, and he took them as the basis of his own worldview. The young boy was attracted by the atheistic and revolutionary aspects.

Karl Marx’s career began in the late 1930s. While working for the Rhine Gazette, he wrote a political column and as a result, his political views angered the government. Although he was a young journalist-philosopher, the ruling elite tried to win him over to their side, which received support from the population of Prussia. Since working with the authorities violated the ideology of Marx, he refused this offer, which is why he was deported. In Paris, the philosopher meets his future colleague Friedrich Engels and the poet Heinrich Heine. France as a whole influenced Marx, where he became acquainted with the ideas of the founders of anarchism. After 1845 he moved to Belgium and became a member of the secret international society "Union of the Justice" Thanks to the joint work, the Communist Manifesto was written, which was issued in a limited edition in early 1848.

○ Search

If you want to learn more about the biography of Marx and his ideology, we recommend that you look (Rus):

● Sources:

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THm6PsiAxJA

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUmi-yVcI3o

“The greats seem great to us only because

That we ourselves are on our knees. Let’s rise!"

- Karl Marx

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels founded their current - Marxism - a philosophical, economic and political doctrine. The following 3 points are of great importance in theory:

• The doctrine of surplus value

• Materialistic understanding of history

• Teaching about the dictatorship of the proletariat

| Friedrich Engels

Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx became friends for life, Engels strongly influenced Marx, he was his close admirer and material assistant, thanks to Engels and his great support, Marx’s ideology could come out.

Together they wrote the Communist Manifesto. In addition to this work, he himself and co-authored a number of other works, and later financially supported Marx, while he conducted research and wrote Capital. Engels organized Marx’s notes on theories of surplus value.

"Capital" and socialism Karl Marx in his work "Capital" most fully revealed his own concept of the economy of capitalism. He opened the questions of the sphere of capital production, the law of value. The concepts of the formula of capital, labor force, constant capital, variable capital, absolute and relative surplus value are formulated. According to the theory of Karl Marx, capitalism provokes economic crises by the constant discrepancy between variable and constant capital, which ultimately leads to the undermining of the system and the gradual abolition of private property, which is replaced by public property.

| Karl Marx’s books

▪ The difference between the natural philosophy of Democritus and the natural philosophy of Epicurus - 1841

▪ To the criticism of Hegel’s philosophy of law - 1843

▪ Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts - 1844

▪ Theses on Feuerbach - 1845

▪ German ideology - 1846

▪ Wage labor and capital - 1847

▪ Salary - 1847

▪ Communist Manifesto - 1848

▪ To the criticism of political economy - 1859

▪ Wages, price and profit - 1865

▪ Capital, vol. 1 - 1867

▪ Capital, vol. 2. - 1885

▪ Capital, vol. 3. - 1894

▪ Capital, vol. 4 - 1905

We recommend listening to audiobooks by setting the speed for quick information retrieval. YouTube is a handy tool for listening to audiobooks.

| Marx's directions:

1 Marxist philosophy

Opposed the widespread "bullying" of Hegel’s philosophy in Germany. In his works, he condemned philosophy for its speculative consciousness, but also insistently emphasized the need to translate philosophy into reality. The well-known thesis of Marx about L. Feuerbach: "Philosophers have only explained the world in different ways, but the point is to change it."

2 Economic doctrine of Marx

The main work of Marx in the economic sphere is Capital. The main value of his work is in the comprehensive study of a specific product Labor force. He tried to explain the source and nature of the return on capital, as well as the various forms of economic exploitation.

3 Marxist sociology

The work of Marx had a significant impact on the development of sociology. Materialistic understanding of history: at the heart of all social changes are not ideas and other spiritual values ​​that are secondary, but purely economic interests of the main social groups of society. That is, all changes in society and the movement of history occur as a result of the growth of internal contradictions and the resolution of social conflicts that arise between the ruling and other classes of society.

4 Communism

For Marx, communism is the highest degree of human development, when the right to private property is abolished, the state and class relations die off, and man’s alienation from the results of his pipe is overcome. In his concept, K. Marx considered the competition and enmity of individuals not as an eternal quality, standard and invariable basis of democracy inherent in humanity, as a sign of the primitiveness of society, its underdevelopment and inferiority.

| Memory

The name of Karl Marx was glorified after the victory of the October Revolution of 1917. On the territory of the USSR, a street or Karl Marx avenue appeared in every settlement. In the homeland of the ideological leader of the international proletariat, the Karl-Marx-Stadt district was founded during the formation of the GDR. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, when the Democratic Republic was abolished, the district ceased to exist. In Soviet times, monuments to Karl Marx were opened in almost every settlement. The first monument appeared in the city of Penza in 1918. Some libraries and research centers were dedicated to the name of Karl Marx.

We advise you to listen to a more detailed discussion of Marx’s activities from Professor Juris Rosenwalds (Rus):

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-bxO3fGsmY

Karl Marx

FW Statistics

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Influenced to people 1B

Publications and Books 14+



- The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it

- History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce

- The history of all previous societies has been the history of class struggles

- Revolutions are the locomotives of history


Interesting Facts:

• Much of Marx’s work was not published during his lifetime.
• Marx spent much of his time reading The Economist in the British Museum to study capitalist society.
• Marx’s daughter Eleanor helped him with his work and was later important to the British labor movement.


Concept Writers and Editors:

▪ Anna Kirova

▪ Daniel Lost


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