MAG | Types of Specializations
Image: Daniel Lost | Internet Resources
| History of MAG
The idea of creating MAG magazine begins with the desire to make editions of Future World TV in Static format (in the form of magazines) ideas of Future World.
We named MAG in short for Magazine, but we also present you with the beautiful word Magic.
MAG - Magic, Magazine
MAG represents as art of creating great magazines.
The MAG project originated from the idea of creating a magazine about Future World.
MAG about the Future World
▪ Future Cities | Future Projects
▪ Futuristic Lifestyle
▪ ○ □ △
And more.
Image: The Futurist (Magazine)
We are pleased to present ideas of Future World which will be published in the MAG. The main task is disseminate ideas of Future World - Ideal World, Future Ideas.
★ Every MAG sold goes to the Future World Foundation
Design of MAG
Images and Projects: Internet Resources
Design as a face will be perfect and represent a full-scale work of creating a magazine.
We create innovative ways to publish content. We work on every detail to create the perfect design magazine.
★ MAG can also be a separate project and style of magazine creation from Future World, an idea that other Media can use.
MAG has New ways of Presenting content, providing Goods and Services in content to enhance perception of information, get real experience - Thematic issues have directions, for example, for Research on the tastes of berries, real berries are provided that are included with the magazine.
| Types of Specializations in MAG
Specializations are needed for an efficient workflow to create the maximum level of advanced MAG.
Concept Writer
Image: Internet Resources
The Ideological Writer creates and comes up with ideas and writes about them.
Initially, it all starts from the Idea, then Content Management, Content Work, Design and Print Edition, or Online Edition.
Image: Tranmautritam / Pexels
| Concept |
The term "concept" is traced back to 1554–60 (Latin conceptum - "something conceived").
Concepts are defined as abstract ideas or general notions that occur in the mind, in speech, or in thought. They are understood to be the fundamental building blocks of thoughts and beliefs.
Image: Pixabay
Concept Writer explores all areas Knowledge, creates new ideas, experiments and writes.
Exploring any field of activity, many ideas appear on how to modify technologies, create a solution, applying knowledge and conducting careful calculations.
Image: Pexels
For example, exploring any area like Engineering - Infrastructure of Cities, in the process of research, many limitations and shortcomings come to light, for example in the Efficiency and Speed of Transport, Water Supply, Roads, Building Devices and much more. Creation of Ideological and Technical solutions is a task for a Concept Creator or Writer if it is limited only to writing.
Concept Writer is conventionally called about a writer who writes about ideas in Books, Magazines and in any publications. We are already familiar with the Concept Creator in the mind of Researchers and Scientists who publish articles, create developments and technologies, both in science and in art. In different areas - for example, Concept Creator of Physics.
★ The difference between a Concept Creator and simply Scientists is that CC has Specific Tasks, Timelines for Finding solutions to a particular area, these are clearly set goals for Creating Inventions, which in turn provide for all stages of Quality Standards for end use.
○ Futuring is to advance development, the creation of transitional models, Concept Creator deals with Futuring.
What is a Concept Creator or Writer for?
Many areas of activity require modifications, improvements, technical solutions as mentioned above. The inventions that simplify our life and make it evolve are the work of Concept Creators.
Image: Ivan Tantsiura
Formally, CCs are needed to create the Future - the Development of the Surrounding World, which is required by our natural desire to evolve - a biological feature of evolution.
Development can be measured in General and Special terms - If we talk about the infrastructure of the world, this can be an example of how General Development. Infrastructure consists of Special technical elements, this is what creates the overall structure of the Infrastructure, working on each detail we create the Future.
Image: Pixabay
Concept Writer writes about ideas, creates content for a magazine.
Difference in Concept and Content
Concept is an original idea that no one else has created. The role of the Concept Writer is to create original ideas that modify previous technologies.
Content is any content.
Essentials of Concept Writer
He deals with ideas, makes calculations, conducts research, collects and writes data.
Content Manager
Image: Internet Resources
Content Manager explores all the knowledge of the world, meets with experts in different fields and collects data.
Structures and organizes content, evaluates content, manipulates data, deals with all data.
Content Manager works on content, builds content map, accessibility and system connectivity.
Image: Markus Spiske / Pexels
CM is very important in today's developed world. Content Control Required - Arrangement | Appointment | Final goal
The task is to create an effective way of using information.
He pays attention to the content, his emphasis is on the Content.
★ Content Manager evaluates content - By Weight Category | Usefulness (methods of application)
The content weight category can be assessed by the Time of content creation, professional knowledge, in-depth research - all this is the amount of time spent.
Image: Internet Resources
The Content Manager works on the content, examines all the content, and calls up the Concept Creator as needed.
For example, during the Coronavirus period, in order not to create ads, Concept Creators are hired to solve problems with the virus and not to create unnecessary printed materials and forms, as well as resolve the issue of Economy, Human Health.
He recruits a variety of specialists and manages Designers, Artists, Decorators, Writers and more.
» CM studies the perception of human information, explores the best ways to introduce and present content.
He works closely with data storage techniques | Education System - Computer Technology, Library |
○ Education System
Image: Internet Resources
Education System is a system of way - Storage, Processing and Provision of Knowledge.
Knowledge as ideas and data is tested and admitted if it is Originality, Useful. All data are evaluated by the international community.
Content Manager plays one of the main roles in ES, CM conducts a thorough inspection of the data, all data that is not related to Knowledge will not be allowed in ES.
Education System is Free Information Trash Platform, anything related to Random or Free publication will be marked as Free or Random Publication as appropriate.
Structure of Articles
Map and Content Plan
| Bringing Facts |
• Statistics
• Graphic arts
• Numbers
• Instructions, Formulas
Image and Project: Internet Resources
▪ Abstraction - immersion in a special world | Atmosphere, Authenticity |
▪ Adding Emotion, Colors: Impasto, Impressionism, Kaleidoscope, Live Background for text. Add France, Italy, Egypt or Greece and different styles of cultures.
▪ Quiz
Work with:
Images and Projects: Internet Resources
• fonts
• symbols
• elements - icons
• illustration - pictures
• paints - color palettes
• geometry - size, symmetry, shapes, slopes, etc.
• speed - brief mode (with symbols, highlighting text, data)
• materials of books - paper and various materials, paints - luminous books with an inscription
• stocks - for general use. Photos, Elements, Illustrations, Styles
• stickers
• atmosphere - evening, morning, smells, music | by topic and by specific pages
Matt Chase
• atmosphere - maximum immersion
• application of knowledge in the real world - the purpose of information
• quiz
• presentation of content
• analogies - the difference
• lingua - vocabulary base
Images: Internet Resources
• Statistics System - the topic is integrated with some real subjects for training, for example, if it is chocolate, then chocolate is provided for study, through delivery or in stores where goods are provided according to Statistics.
• Stickers
• Entertainment
• Presents
• Places to read - instructions for an enjoyable reading, perfect places, providing places for reading
• Boxes - places where you can take books
• Familiarization - presentation, about the extraction of paints and papers, publishers, number of copies
★ Pictures convey information faster than text - conciseness and speed, for example a photograph of a person instead of a description, but the description is closely related to the image when studied.
» New English File as an example of quality Content Management
Information can also in the natural sense look like a room where physical objects are arranged (Mapping).
○ Information should have a purpose and application, orientation, information needs to be worked on by profession and much more, to create a Smart Mode.
Content Map
Matt Chase
The Content Map is the directions of application, if we choose a topic, then we assign directions where it will apply.
• Profession
Image: Vecteezy
★ Important, Merit
■ Result, Work
△ Abstract
◯ General, Search
● Source
▷ Recommendation
► Work, Task
□ Formal, Performance
◉ Future
»Transition or Data
• Communicate ideas
| Theme
→ Speed
↺ Again
X Error
+ Done, Advantages
▲ Mind
◩ Monochrome
≡ Fog | Shadow
◖◗ Explosive
▼ Memories
◫ Practice, Fundamental
// Not information
* Correction
|| Subtheme
Decorating is a specialty at MAG. The Decorist works on the design of the content, provides the final work on the project. Facilitates visual perception, readability, creates rich design.
Decorist pays attention to the overall Visual, Sound or Taste design and brings the elements together to create the perfect end result. His task is to make the most excellent result, which will later be presented to the public.
Why Decorist is needed?
A Decorist is needed to make the final result, his task is to check the visual perception, appearance, to make an improvement. For example, when we give Concept Text to Content Manager, he in turn collects everyone and draws a content map for publication and gives to Decorist, Decorist simply publishes, making corrections and improvements in the visual part, if we are talking about MAG.
Image: Internet Resources
Works on colors. Colors are the science and art of creating special shades, the world around us has a huge number of shades that make each place special, colors that change in weather conditions, the times of day change our mood, color can open our mood or spoil it.
The reason a Colorist is needed is to create a rich variety of colors, achieve perfect shades, shades and blends.
Colors can make our life Developed, or vice versa, if we return to a conservative time when there was no deep science of colors, for example, in Soviet times there were a modest amount of colors, and this could affect our development in the same way. By creating rich shades and mixing them, transitional models, we make the world developed.
Colorists are also a separate specialty in Video, for example in Hollywood movies.
Is the art of making colors and showing on tv possible in the Future? Colors can also contain thoughts, and perhaps it will be possible to convey some idea as well as music.
To become a Colorist you need to explore the physical properties of light, their variations and variety, the ways in which colors are used, both physical and digital.
Future of Colorist?
The Future of Colorist is promising, Colorists are needed wherever there is light, creating lighting and background for streets, studying light diffraction, lighting methods, creating a color mood, favorable colors are in high demand in the Future World.
Images: Internet Resources
Images and Projects: Internet Resources
Works on Fonts, creates and develops perfect fonts, makes selection.
○ Watch Video
| Netflix |
▪ Abstract: The Art of Design (Jonathan Joefler)
Images: Internet Resources
Colorist works on an image, fine art, creates an image for an idea.
Artists can work with physical or digital images. The images in MAG create a rich design for the content to make it comfortable to read.
Image: Internet Resources
All ideas require implementation, without implementation the idea will only be in the air. Projects require implementation and Implementers are working on this task, they seek resources for this and apply their implementation skills.
In order to become an Implementer, the choice of a person is required, further we will create this specialty. The demand for the Implementer is high, there are many tasks that need to be implemented, for example Global Issues.
| About Specializations
Image: Internet Resources
These specializations are needed both in MAG and in real life. This means not only according to the ideas of MAG, but also in various other projects, for example, Colorists are needed everywhere, as well as all other specializations.
| General in MAG
Image and Project: Internet Resources
These Specializations are needed to create a high quality rich magazine.
The division of Specializations increases the clarity and professionalism of the work.
Specializations create a focus on specific tasks, people in this case develop mastery of knowledge in specific specialties.
Images: Internet Resources
For Specialties, Atmospheres of Specialization is also offered, this is the creation of an Environment for some specialty in order to create an effective way of working.
★ Person can change specialty whenever he feels comfortable.
Concept Writer:
▪ Daniel Lost
For Connection:
Instagram: futurewolrdtv