Statistics or Capitalism
Image: Mitchell Stuart
Statistics System is a system for calculating data, data from the surrounding world in the form of numerical, graphical and other indicators.
Statistics System builds a logical system of the algorithm for the stages of development on the Kardashiev scale, achieving the best performance. SS collects all the data of the world and from this data production facilities are created, algorithms for a sharp increase in development.
The advantages of the Statistical System are when we first have all the data and work with them. This is our base, based on the base we produce everything we need. We see all the indicators of the world and work with them.
| Statistics System for Individuals
Introduction Statistics is about striving for better performance. People can work with Static Data, seeing real world indicators online. Data on the state of the Earth, geography, site types, temperature characteristics, a huge collection of data provided by world exploration and the Education System.
Country infrastructures positions.
SS will allow working with the issues of the past, present, and future, improving the performance of the world.
Image: Internet Resources
The Statistical System provides access to all resources of the world at •PS•
•Personal Statistics is based on the Statistical System, Personal means your performance•
The Statistical System will calculate working hours from •Future Graphics• online.
•Future Graphics is your Future Graphics, where you create future plans by creating a schedule•
Image: Vector Stock
Methods for Creating Statistical Data:
• My World - FG etc.
• Technologies - Super Computers, Quantum Computers, Satellites, Sensors, etc.
• Education System
Image: Internet Resources
Automatic Control - we will transfer to computer technology, supercomputers will make calculations and predict the best performance, allocating resources to all living organisms based on the SS - according to their needs and basic needs of people.
Statistics System based on Higher Questions. We are creating an algorithm that will direct resources to production to achieve a sharp growth in development using mathematical analysis, Statistics Datas.
Higher Questions
▪ For what Purpose is the Universe created?
▪ What is outside of the Universe?
▪ What is the purpose of this Biological Life?
▪ ★ What is Existing? (This is the highest question, briefly say - how does everything exist?)
▪ How the Creator looks like? (Perhaps the Creator of our life may be other creatures in space, if so then we also care about the Creator of the Universe)
▪ What are the worlds in the universe? (This is an exciting question. Imagine new worlds, new planets, new species, space exotics)
Image: Internet Resources
Higher Questions require high energy and technological capabilities, for this we accelerate the development of the world (accelerate production).
The reason for the Higher Questions is that the current consciousness of the world exists at a certain level of development, people exist as biological species, their consciousness is occupied with basic consumption due to a certain level of development of the world.
The Future is dedicated to unlocking the potential of development opportunities from simple to complex, striving to learn the reason for the existence of the Universe, Higher Questions.
Cancel Capitalism
In order for the Statistical System to be embodied, it is necessary to abolish Capitalism as a right to private property, this is a forced technical measure. Capitalism is the parasitic imposition of the system, generating trash and Global Issues. Capitalism is the world of commerce, in which people primarily think about sales and profits, having no idea about education.
▪ Ecology (Pollution)
▪ Biology (Evolution, Earthlings Rights)
▪ Physics, Mathematics
and much more.
Global Issues
All the achievements of science and technology are also used for trade, not for the development of society.
Capitalism hinders the development of the world.
Many resources are not used for the production and development of the world due to private property, such as:
▪ Energy
The creation of a rich energy world, energy is one of the first available phenomena in space, energy is everywhere.
▪ Resources
Reusable Resources - Cars, Homes, Technology, Books, and more. Private property restricts access to reusable use, which sharply reduces the development of the world, directing the resources of the Earth only for certain people, who in 60% of cases do not use resources for the development of the world.
▪ Space
Space has an unlimited amount of rich resources, space is a place for exploration and much more.
Image: NASA / Galaxies
We declare that the available resources of the Earth and Space are unlimited. There are so many galaxies in the universe that a person can have several galaxies, in which there is an infinite number of planets and billions of stars.
Especially if we think on a large scale, like the Multiverse, if you would like you to have your own universe.
The only difference is how big we think. By today's standards, people think poorly when there is unlimited wealth around.
All this is possible and this is in our plans.
We will leave behind the limitation that slows down the speed of development.
The Statistical System will help move from the current level of development to the highest level, improving performance in all areas.
Image: Internet Resources
We define the differences between the Present World and the Future by the level of development.
One of the dimensions is the Kardashiev scale.
I Planet
II Solar System
III Galaxy
IV Universe
V Multiverse
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▪ Kardashev Scale
What evaluates the perspective of the development of reason.
The Statistical System is a unified system that focuses on the stages of development on the Kardashiev scale.
SS allows us to assess knowledge and the speed of development in terms of technical capabilities, plans the speed of development through statistical data.
Statistical System - resource data from all over the world. Resources are all that provide the basic and rich needs of the Earthlings. Values are created by existing resources, productive forces, knowledge, time. They are distributed across PS, opening work hours.
All basic resources will be available, rich resources will be available on PS.
In the primitive world, society can have everything, but their values are limited by basic consumption, while the developed world, as it develops, has a rich consumer character, such as energy, technology, inorganic and organic resources, planning of the Future.
This is due to the fact that in the Present World of possibilities there is an infinite number of but their •Use• is limited by basic resources.
•Usage determines development•
The Statistical System will open all the available resource base, all the knowledge of the world in statistical data, all the data of the State of the Earth and Space, the issues of prime necessity and much more.
People can improve the performance of the world by seeing all the data of the world through PS - in the Statistical System. SS will use all production forces to move through the stages of development.
The production of goods and services is carried out on the basis of their actual demand - the State of the Earth is studied, calculations are made on the amount of materials and on their demand. If this is a food product, then an equal amount is created from the base consumption. If it is medicine, the total number of people and their conditions are measured and then medicines are produced, doctors are recruited and treatment takes place.
| Personal Statistics
Image: Internet Resources
The Statistics System will open work hours. Studying a certain area, you can find many open problems. SS will open up work hours by offering cutting edge challenges and solutions based on the Education System and more.
Personal Statistics is a measure of your performance. You choose a field of activity by choosing a watch and PS shows all your work. PS is tied to your identity like an account. The Statistics System collects and analyzes PSs and makes available resources from the best PSs. This is mainly when people use resources in a useful way, for production and much more. PS will open access to the resources you need using your time.
Templates is a preset task with a ready-made solution, with all the tools.
For example, planting plants with the provision of instructions, equipment, and so on. Templates are ready-made tasks awaiting participation.
Advantages - you can choose a ready-made solution and complete existing tasks. You don't need to waste time. In PS, you can track your performance and achieve a huge amount of results. The Statistical System will open access to the world's resources.
Templates can be used anywhere. As you complete tasks, your PS will increase.
PS can monitor your performance, fully indicates and recommends striving for the best performance, fully monitors your health status.
The smart system will select the best options for high performance. All these data are unified in the Future World Statistical System.
The PS will contain the consumption data that you used, reporting over time. For example, a year of using all types of resources, services and much more.
| The concept of Wealth
Image: Unsplash / Jeremy Thomas
Russian is Bogatstvo, from the word God. In English Wealth, from the word Well-being, Well - health.
Wealth is conditionally divided into II parts
▪ Resources of the Universe
▪ Use
I Resources of the Universe
Images: Life Beyond / Melodysheep
The resources of the Universe are infinite.
II Use
Image: NASA
On the Kardashiev scale, our energy use is at a level close to I. While the I energy level is 10 * 16 W.
Usage is rated from 0 to 100%.
The more Use of the themes The world is developed. Rich consumer character, when the mind uses all available resources for a rich number of purposes. In the World to Come, the goals are the search for Higher Questions.
| Consumer Character
Human Consumption
Animal Consuption (Food Chain)
Consumer Character is based on the biology of organisms, their environment. Based on the environment, the organism uses resources and is formed. In the book Star Maker, the author says that the aliens could see poorly, due to the lack of light sources, the poorer the world around, the organism uses a limited amount of resources. The organism initially has a range of basic needs. As the complexity grows from a simple cell to a complex one, from simple species to complex species, the web of life develops, embracing and using more resources from the Environment.
Statistics System evaluates Earth data, species habitat. The data will provide an analysis of people (their environmental values). The organism has needs that develop its growth, if the environment is poor, dangerous, the body will adapt intuitively, relative to this environment. SS will enrich the environment for Earthlings as well as for humans. For all time, life has been adapting to unpredictable cataclysms, natural phenomena, but today we can plan all cataclysms in advance, design the Future of biology (life networks) by designing the habitat. Experimenting the formula of life and its development on different planets. Find out the formula of life and its regularity.
Statistics the system will simulate people, creating an environment - Future Cities. This is familiar with the instruction for growing plants.
○ Search
▪ Examples of the consuming character of biological species
We calculate all types of resources:
▪ Inorganic
▪ Organic
Calculation of people and their analysis of consumer character, productivity, condition:
▪ 8 billion
| Future Graphics
Future Graphics builds the Schedule of the Future, a transitional level of development for Higher Questions (for 1K and 1M years in comparison with the Present World) at the expense of 100% Rich Usage.
• Workforce
• Education system
• Resources
• Time
All productive forces rise, all Statistical Data are measured. Calculations are made on the rich Use of all available Resources, the number of People, the level of Knowledge. The calculation will show under what plans the Future can be created - for example, people can perform many tasks at the same time (multitask), which reduces time.
Detailed diagnostics.
At current rates, we are not using the potential:
▪ Workforce
▪ Education System
▪ Resources
▪ Time
Space is endless wealth for energy, technology and resources.
1 Workforce
Image: Internet Resources
Workforce is the value of the Future World.
Workers create value through production, they build states of the world. There are about 8 billion people on Earth, 30% of potential workers have no application, even for basic work tasks.
Workpower is a value, precisely the more there are of them, the smarter they are, the wealth of production increases - the development of the world grows. Using workforce the rate of development increases. All by example, when you have grandiose ideas and a big imagination, you would like to use the workforce, value in front of you, as well as knowledge and resources.
| Work potential
You can work in different directions - we create a Future Graphics where we create a rich ideal graphic for the schedule, we take the schedule from the Statistical System. You are provided with all the resources, knowledge and tools and a rich varied schedule that is as productive as possible.
Distribution of Labor - to create more free time we distribute labor using Labor from the Statistical System. A Workforce of 8 billion people is available in the SS.
Image: Internet Resources
Individual growth of people will quickly increase the speed of development. A couple of people could create the technologies that we use today, there are many examples of scientific innovators. Imagine a thousand and millions, if not billions of scientists who have access to all the resources of the world on SS.
We will plan the population, how it will live, where. We use people to reach the Kardashiev scale of development. People are powerful tools.
○ Search
▪ Biology (Human structure). Ability analysis.
A person has a set of possibilities.
Analysis of the state of people will provide statistical data on the health of people.
▪Disabled people and their use
Include cutting-edge medicine by creating a healthy society. For productive power, this is a sharp leap.
2 Education System
Image: Internet Resources
The Education System is a global knowledge base. The Education System contains all the knowledge of the world, all areas of activity. We call the system the collection of knowledge in a computer system, access through the network.
Image: Internet Resources
The Education System is the base in which all the knowledge of the world is collected and structured. If we fly to another planet alone, then we will rely on the Education System - the system contains all knowledge in all areas of activity.
The Education System can be updated online. This is our tool. And Future Graphics can update education data, that is, you invent something under FG and the data is updating to the Education System.
Image: Internet Resources
• Schools
• Universities
• Research centers
■ Implementation
A united world system where people collect and check the data of the Education System.
3 Resources
Image: Internet Resources
Exploration of the resources of the Earth and Space. Collection of Statistical Data of types of resources and production of technology and goods through the Education System.
Reasonable use of resources:
▪ Multiple use
Use of electronic documents, announcements. Refusal of papers.
▪ Creation of perfect Cities of the Future, with zero waste.
All food such as drinks, food, clothing and more are in the stations. Zero packing. All consumer goods in stations.
▪ Creation of products from Future Graphics, Statistics
And much more.
The Statistics System will open access to the people who use the resources with the best indicators through PS.
If people do not use resources wisely, they will deplete the Earth's resources.
Image: Internet Resources
They can deplete unique resources that people will not find in space.
○ Search
▪ Unique resources
Unique resources can only be found on planet Earth
4 Time
Image: Internet Resources
• Transport
• Building
• Delivery
• Cleaning and more
Almost 99% can be converted to automation.
The solutions presented above can dramatically accelerate the development speed. Transition from the Present World to the Future World.
| Value
Map of Value
Image: Internet Resources
The map of the value network begins with a big bang, the creation of all elements for the existence of matter, energy, with the development of stars, the formation of heavy elements, the formation of planets from gas dust. The origin of life from planets, life depends on the energy of light, the energy of gravity of space, the development of species appears from life which depend on the environment, like water, wind, sunlight, air, from simple species, new complex species appear like a human.
Image: Internet Resources
If we are talking about value, then this is a network. If we lose the energy of the stars, we will lose the net of life and we will die out. Our existence depends on the work of everything that surrounds us, which supports the environment of existence. The future is most logical for the digital or quantum computer mind. The mind will cover the vastness of the cosmos, seek the Higher Questions using energy. But what is intelligence in quantum form?
Statistics System is a direct development of the world, you independently increase statistics in the areas of prime necessity.
Global problems:
Global Issues by United Nations
▪ Land improvement per sq / m
• Cleaning - land and oceans per sq / m
• Planting trees per sq / m
• Restoration of nature and much more
• Construction of bionics and plantations per sq / m
▪ Education at 1 / bit
• Creation of the Educational System
• Teaching people, conducting lectures
▪ Inventions
• Renewable energy sources
• Ecology - Reusable things to use
• Waste recycling and much more
• Improving conditions for the productivity of people - reducing time, convenience, autonomy
▪ Security - medicine, total prohibition of hostilities
We will provide all directions later. These directions are based on the state of the Earth.
▪ Equal distribution of resources across Statistics System to regulate development
And much more.
Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include private property and the recognition of property rights, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system and competitive markets.
● Wikipedia
In simple terms, this is the appropriation of resources in the form of private property. Nobody controls Capitalism so it flourishes. Give freedom to the savages and they will make a mess.
The reason for this system is the level of development of people. Historically, we appropriate what we need when we feel impunity. Impunity from nature, from the weak.
| Value
Image: Internet Resources
Value - Existence
Anything that sustains life is a value. The Universe and the Higher Objects that support the Universe. This is the production of energy, matter, maintenance of the universe. The biology of life exists thanks to the universe.
Production, labor time creates value. Our range of consumption covers a large number of items. If we give an example of a developed city like New York, the infrastructure of New York is wide.
Infrastructure is a set of values.
Image: Internet Resources
When people begin to use the infrastructure, they begin to use the working time of people spent on production and services. Animals that people eat, taking away their freedom every day.
Plants that produce basic needs, humans simply exploit them. When you have money you have before you the death of animals, plants, slave labor of people. Pure money never existed and does not exist.
All the money in the world that is now was obtained in different ways.
Money doesn't come out of nowhere.
Money builds a complex of things, murder and dirty work behind money. Your freedom is provided by people, animals, plants, which produce values that you use but spend in vain. Every day they sacrifice themselves because their freedom is being taken away by money.
○ Search
▪Dominion (Movie)
▪Earthlings (Movie)
Child Labor
Another question is where people spend these values.
About 60% (if not more) using values people degrade, these values go into emptiness, thereby slowing down the progress of development. It means that the spent lives go to waste, the spent working time goes to waste.
Capitalism is the mark of Death.
| The Mechanism of the Monetary System
Money is made on the basis of values - the consumer character of people. The value is given by the consumer character.
○ Search
▪ Consumer Personality
| Basic consumer character as home, water, food, clothing and so on |
Capitalism is not built on knowledge, but on the primitive instincts of survival, trade, poverty. Education is something new for this system. Historically, the future has never been planned. The whole world was adapting, territories, countries, cities, architecture.
| Selfishness, Species Racism
Image: PETA
Capitalism spreads racism among other species.
Blood Money
All the money in the world that we have is:
• Killing of animals and plants
• Killing people for profit
• Destruction of the planet
• Slave work
• War for profit
• Labor
• Robberies
! Continue to list everything you know.
We must Return the Rights:
• The only home - Earth
• Animals and Plants
• All rights that we took away for the sake of Speciesism
• Rights to Future Generations
• The rights of all those whom we have killed and used as slaves
• Rights for wage laborers doing dirty hard work for us.
• Rights to ban a bloody monetary system
• Rights to a completely clean education
• All rights that you know that should be returned right now
History of Slaves and Killings
We owe each other as well as from the historical point of view, our history touches upon slave labor, thefts and wars, robberies of other countries. We have stolen and stolen from others in order to rise in development. We are indebted to all people on Earth. We owe all the plants that work every day and produce oxygen and food for us. We owe all the animals that sacrifice themselves for us, not of their own free will of course.
■ Solution
The complete abolition of Capitalism - private property, everything will go into social development. We will return the rights of all Earthlings. We will introduce Education and uneducated capitalism will disappear by itself.
○ Search
▪ Capital (Karl Marx)
▪ Imperialism the highest stage of Capitalism (Vladimir Lenin)
| Audio Book with Speed mode |
▪ Education System (Biology, Ecology, Physics, Maths, Geography etc)
Concept Writer:
▪ Daniel Lost
For connection:
Instagram: futureworldtv