Future World TV
8 min readSep 11, 2020

The History of Development

Image: Andrew Z. Colvin

Everything in the universe is obvious and exists by itself, we are only trying to discover existing phenomena for ourselves. Why are we trying to discover the world around us? Our Neural Network extends to all areas, covering all spaces and physical phenomena. The potential of the human neural network is large-scale, as you have already noticed from the results of human development. But the huge gap between progress and current reality is our historical poverty, politics, capitalism.


The scale of the Neural Network allows us to cover all the expanses of the surrounding world, but if you limit the Neural Network of People to Capitalism, then all the potential is spent on minor problems. If we restrict people to access to resources, isolate them, then the Human Neural Network will actively work in minor areas, we observe this in crimes and many other types of Global Issues that people create. The thing is that some people appropriate the Earth's resources and block access to other people. This creates a huge obstacle for people to research and basic access to normal life, in which we see a gap between those who study the physics of space, quantum mechanics and those who starve and die from lack of food, military conflicts, slave labor and lack of normal life. How indifferent and inhuman people are.

As Jacques Fresco said, a real scientist would tackle the real problems that exist in the world in the form of Global Issues, before thinking about quantum particles and other abstract sciences. Neil Tyson also said that abstract science research and abstract thinking propels progress forward, if a cataclysm happens we will know what to do. We must pay attention to the need for both cases.

Higher Questions excite everyone, but Capitalism is a huge obstacle to the study of these questions. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to our historical poverty and embryonic political and capitalist views.

The Neural Network plays an important role in the study of the Universe and Higher Questions. The Neural Network is our tool for knowing everything.
We need to work on a new system in which it is necessary to free a huge number of people from Slave Labor and Capitalism, where there will be free access to resources with a rich amount of resources. It will also make a huge leap in Civilization Development.

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| Future World TV |
▪ Statistics or Capitalism
▪ Future World

In the History of Development we explore the History of the Development and the sequence of the Universe and its objects. We believe that the Universe is a mechanistic system, all processes in it are predetermined and exist on their own, another question is what could have created the surrounding Universe? This question is included in the goals of Future World as Higher Questions.

| The Birth of the Universe

The Big Bang Theory is popular and available in all sources. A feature of the Big Bang idea is an attempt to describe the beginning of the appearance of the Universe and further development. According to the theory, at the beginning, all the energy was concentrated in a tiny point, which, during the explosion, spread at extremely high speeds. The events took place so quickly that in a second the explosion covered large-scale expanses of space, consistently forming material phenomena such as stars, galaxies, planets and more. Initially, it all started from elementary particles that began to form heavier particles like atoms, molecules, organic chemistry, life and a rich endless variety.

The Big Bang Theory is experimentally proven through deep research using the latest detector technology. A huge number of scientists are working on a description of the Big Bang process, various phenomena in the Universe, each of the scientists does special research and deserves a separate merit in the field of science.

○ Search

▪ Sean Carroll - The Particle at the End of the Universe, 2013 | Youtube |
▪ Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

| History of the Emergence and Development of Life

Development History can touch upon ideas of how life evolves on different planets, how new species might look using fields of science like physics, biology, chemistry, geography etc.

The development of life depends on the development of Space, its composition, planets, chemical composition and compounds in it, which depend on energies and other physical phenomena. Life is organic chemistry with a variety of complex compounds. Life can be Natural or Artificial Creation.

There are countless inorganic chemistry in Space, which makes life a unique phenomenon, but the necessary elements for life were created during the Evolution of the Universe such as Hydrogen, Carbon, Iron, Calcium and more. Life only imitates these elements.


The evolution of the Universe has a sequential development in advance, having moments of events at which complex chemical processes and compounds could be formed under certain conditions, which would cause the development of a phenomenon like Life.

To create a living condition will require an empty space in which the Universe can form. The Universe is a collection of physical fields, countless elementary particles that form amazing fundamental particles, atoms, molecules, etc. The emergence of life is a masta process, which depends on the entire composition, events and various phenomena in Space.

The development of organisms depends on the environment, geo-position is a unique environment in terms of composition, climate, external influences and much more. The unique environment comes from natural processes. The whole complex of environment geo-position determines the development of the organism. The environment is influenced by the outer space and inner composition of the planet.

A feature of the liquid state of matter like water is the potentiality of the environment in which chemical compounds, complex and diverse forms of biology can occur.

In the process of connections, complex forms occur and the development of a phenomenon as life - From simple to complex. Depending on the conditions, life adapts, covering the entire planet, for a long time life develops only in basic needs, until some species found themselves in non-standard conditions. The change of scenery allowed primitive people to learn to survive in a new environment, to cover new territories, to unite in a group. Subsequently, primitive people who made discoveries for themselves helped to advance in development. With the development of a friend's tools, fire, agriculture and much more, the brain began to develop - What causes rapid development in various fields of activity.

○ Search

▪ History of Life

● Source: https://slideplayer.com/slide/6200913/



So far, people have failed to create the initial conditions in which chemical compounds can be formed that form a living cell. But besides humans, other intelligent beings in the universe are possible that could provoke the creation of life.

More advanced experiments to date have been done by Craig Venter's team.

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▪ Craig Venter

| Genetics

Life needs to store data

Genetics is the storage of information of adaptation to a specific environment at a specific time, which is passed on to a new generation.
Genetics will transmit information about hereditary adaptation to the past environment, but the organism adapts to the new one and acquires the skills that work in this environment.

The environment can change and can change dramatically, for example, the past genetics of birds in the new environment of the Earth will not work and adaptation of new species occurs, thereby the genome changes. Genetics is a form of storing information of environmental organisms in time - the State of Space and the Earth, its composition.

Genetics works in the right environment, but changes in another.

| History of People

At the stage of nomads and gatherers, people at a certain moment had to move, for reasons of hunger and the search for better habitats. The change in the habitat subsequently caused a modification of people, both physically and mentally.


Geoposition or Habitat shapes people. The history of the Earth and geography provide data on the Geopositions in which humans have evolved over time.

○ Search

▪ Neuroscience
▪ Human Development History
▪ Geolocations in Space | Space Exploration |

TV Series:
▪ Deep Time History (2016)
▪ How We Became Human | Evolution (Rus, 2017)

| Future of Humans

There are also two scenarios for the Future of people:


The process will depend on the conditions of life on Earth, natural selection. Capitalism is partly a natural process that has short-term benefits, capitalism came about naturally. Capital as appropriation of resources, increasing privatization in cash - Money is a document on the privatization of resources. Money pollutes both our planet and space, all research goals will be motivated by money, economic benefits, which will essentially lead to the continuation of natural selection.


Independent planning of the Future, we will think about Higher Questions, we will be motivated by Higher Goals | All minds will rush into space |.


Concept Writer:

▪ Daniel Lost


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